Getting the sword

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Night time came around, the girls go to the boy's room to see Mikey playing a video game, Raph reading a magazine and Ezra taking stuff out of his pockets.

"So what's all of this?" Rose ask him.

"its call stealing. It's like buying except you don't have to pay" Ezra said.

"Okay, guys. We need a plan" Rose said but nobody listens to her, again.

"Yo, Raph. Come check out the game," Mikey said and Raph goes to check it out.

"guys!" Rose said a little louder and everyone looks at her.

"Look, this is our one chance to prove our parents that we are worth something. Cause we are rotten"

"To the core," everyone said.

Everyone gets together and started planning to get the sword.

"April, use the mirror" Rose said.

April takes out her small mirror.

"Okay. Lets see. Mirror, Mirror in my.. hand, Show me the sword" She said and the mirror shows the sword in the wall.

"Go back" April said to the mirror and goes back and shows Earth.

"Go further" She said and the mirror shows a museum.

"Ezra." Rose said and Ezra looks up the museum.

"Its only .5 miles away" He said.

"Good. Let's go" Rose said they all quickly run out of the room to head to the museum.

We shall get the sword.

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