Family Day

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The royal families are outside, seeing the Hamato Brothers and friends performing.

"Watashi no aisurujosei. t is with deepest pride and greatest pleasure

That we welcome you tonight

And now we invite you to relax

Let us pull up a chair

As the dining room proudly presents, your dinner" Leo sings.

"Be our guest, be our guest

Put our service to the test

Tie your napkin 'round your neck, shining And we'll provide the rest " Donnie, Casey, Leila, Karai, and many others sang.

"That's right" Leo agrees.

"Honjitsu no sūpu, Hotto zensai

Why do we only live to serve. Try the gray stuff, It's delicious.

Don't believe me, ask the dishes!" The gang sang.

" They can sing, sing, sing, they can dance, dance, dance

After all Miss, this is Japan.

And a dinner here is never second best,


Go on, unfold your menu,

Go on, take a glance, and then you'll

Be our guest, be our guest,

Be our guest.

Yeah, be our guest, guest, yeah yeah" Leo rap and sings.

"We tell jokes" Back up sang.

"Jokes" Leo followed.

"I do tricks" Back up sang again.

"Tricks" Leo followed again.

"With my fellow candlesticks" Leo sang.

"And it's all in perfect taste That you can bet. Come on and lift your glass

You've won your own free pass

To be our guest" Leo and gang sang.

" If you're stressed, it's fine dining we suggest" Leo sing.

" Be our guest, be our guest, be our guest" Back up sang.

"Yeah, yeah. Come on. Be our guest, be our guest. Come on. Come on" Leo sang.

"Be our guest" He and the backup sag, ending the song.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

During the performance, the Villains' kids appeared and watched the performance.

Mikey hands Klunk to April and goes to a chocolate fountain with Ezra.

Raph watches them and April holds the cat.

Leo and Donnie walk to their parents.

"That was lovely, my sons" Shen says.

The royal family stands together to have their picture taken.

"By the way, I have a new girlfriend," Leo says.

The parents and Donnie became surprised

"Do we know your new girlfriend?" Yoshi ask.

The photographer started counting down as Leo answers,

"Sort of. Rose" Leo mention his girlfriend to come.

Rose waved and walked over to the family.

Yoshi and Shen looked shocked while Leo and Donnie have a smile as the photo is taken.

"Rose, I wanna introduce you to my parents," Leo says as he and Rosela hugged one another.

Shen and Yoshi put on their best smile.

"This is Rosela," Leo tells his parents as Donnie watches, knowing already.

"From the island" he adds.

"Hello, Rosela," Shen says.

"Hello," Rose says back.

"I was thinking maybe she can join us for lunch" Leo ask.

"Of course. Any friend of Leonardo's" Yoshi answers.

"I actually came with my friends," Rose says.

"Well, you shall invite them," Shen said.

"Because, the more the merrier" She adds.

"Alright. Let me grab them" Rose says.

"How about a game of croquettes before lunch?" Yoshi ask.

"Of course" Rose answers.

Rose and Leo walk away.

Donnie goes to talk to some friends.

The parents do not know what to do or even react anymore.

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