Science clas/meeting Klunk

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It's science class and April is sitting next to Donnie and looking at a Prince across of them.

"Who is that guy?" She asks Donnie

"Casey Jones. Son of Cassidy" Donnie answered.

April continue to look at Casey until the teacher call her.

"April. Perhaps this is a review for you. So tell me. What is the average atomic weight of silver" The teacher ask.

April try to answer but made a small joke that made Casey chuckle a bit.

The teacher mention April to go to the board.

April sneakily takes out her mirror and goes to the board.

She ask the question and in secret look at her mirror

"That would be 106.905 X 0.5208+108.905 X .4800. Which gives us 107. AMU" April answered as she write it in the board.

The teacher now knows to never underestimate a villain.

April walks to her desk but Casey gave her a note.

When April sat down, she open the note it reads:

Meet me under the bleachers
At 3 pm.

April feels happy
At the field...

Leo holds a board as he is ready to train Mikey.

He tells Mikey that he is doing sprints.

Leo clicks he timer in his time watch and Mikey runs but behind him is a cat that is running after him.

Mikey screams and runs faster.

Leo notice that Mikey is running to the woods and runs after him.

Mikey climbs up the tree to escape the cat.

"Mikey"  Leo shows up and picks up the cat.

"Leo. Why are you holding it? The cat is gonna attack you" Mikey said/ask while freaking out.

"Mikey. You never seen a cat, had you?" Leo ask and Mikey shakes his head no.

"Mikey, meet Klunk" Leo said.

Mikey got down and realize that Klunk isn't dangerous.

Leo passes Klunk to Mikey, who holds the cat.

They both talk a bit about the isle and then Leo left, leaving Mikey with Klunk.

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