Chapter 2 | Dreams Made Real

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During the rest of November, you were either at the gym, on the field, or recovering your body. You usually took this time to relax more, rest your body and let a little loose on the diet, but not this year.

You became stricter in what you put in your body, less fatty carbs and more all-natural ingredients. Slowly, you started seeing positive improvements physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Your abs, legs, and arms became even more defined, you found yourself getting into a good sleeping schedule, and overall you were a more positive person.

Unfortunately, this also meant less social time with friends and family, making it even more difficult as this month everyone went back to their homes as there was no need to do any work and the holidays were coming soon. But you were determined to prove you deserved a spot on the national team in January. The thought of playing with Alex Morgan, Megan Rapinoe, Crystal Dunn, Tobin Heath and Christen Press motivated you even more.

You watched all their games and studied their techniques and signature skills/moves. Tobin was obviously amazing with her footwork; Crystal used her short height as an advantage and her strong legs to plow through players and Christen was lightning fast. You blushed at the thought of Christen. Growing up, you knew you had a slight crush on her and the possibility of actually being around her everyday gave you shivers.

Your parents knew you like girls and were in total support. At the beginning, you told your closest friends including Jess and they were also happy and supportive. And by the time you were in college, you didn't give a flying horse's ass who knew because it's the 21st century and it's none of their concern. You dated a couple girls in High School and in college, but they either weren't long term or other issues made you cut ties.

And during this time, you decided to play for the Portland Thorns. You've always loved the comradery and the past success of the team. You hoped to continue that streak. 

Your phone started ringing, and Jess was asking to ft. you.

"Hey Jess," you smiled.

'Hey (y/n), whatchu doin'?" She asked.

"Rolling out my legs as usual."

"Getting ready for the December Camp eh? You leave in like a week?" You nodded in response. You were sad Jess wouldn't be there with you, you two always went to summer camps when you were younger, and always played on the same team. She was called up to play for North Carolina Courage and would be going later on in the year.

"Don't worry, you'll be great. Just don't let the stress get the better of you," Jess said.

"I'll try, but it's the fact Vlatko and all the other professional players are going to be watching me. Me! I've always watched them play, but they have no idea what to expect from me. I just don't want to let them down," you sighed.

"And you know who else will be watching?" Jess smirked. You rolled your eyes and knew exactly who she was talking about. Christen Press.

"Stooopp, that's a whole different level," you moaned. Jess laughed and loved that you were finally going to meet your celebrity crush, "also I don't even know if I'll make it on the January roster. I still have to get through December.

"Don't worry, after you get a spot for January, I'm sure she can help you de-stress if you know what I mean," Jess quirked her eyebrows.

"I'm this close in ending this call," you teased, holding up your index and thumb and put them very close together.

"Your funny (y/n), but I gotta go. I just wanted to catch up with you in case we couldn't later on. I know how busy you are now. Just wanted to wish you luck," she smiled.

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