Chapter 21 | New Friends, Brunch, Anxiety

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You felt the hot water roll down your body as you closed your eyes, washing out last night's drinking. Your mind went back and forth from the events, and it was safe to say you remembered it all.

Fortunately, you didn't drink too much where your memory was foggy and lost complete control, but it did loosen you up and gain more confidence than normal, hence, last night. You closed your eyes as each moment flashed before you, all still very vivid. 

As soon as you were done, you got out and threw on the same pants from last night and put on a sports bra before walking out into the room to see Christen already waking up.

"Morning," you rasped out with your morning voice.

"Hey," she smiled. She rubbed her eyes to adjust to the light and looked at the time, "ugh, is it really only 10?"

"Unfortunately," you smiled.

"Hey, we didn't actually do it right?" She asked you, sitting up.

You chuckled, "no, we didn't. I thought since we were both not sober it wouldn't be a good idea. Besides, I care enough for you to not have drunk sex with you." To yourself, you were glad things didn't escalate even more at the hotel. Even though it seemed like it would, you had enough control to stop.

"Well, as flattered as I am to hear that, I'm hungry and could use a stack of pancakes, want to head down to breakfast?" Christen suggested.

You scoffed, "if you want real pancakes, I heard of a breakfast place that's within walking distance. Heard the breakfast here at the hotel is terrible." 

"Wherever is fine, I just need food in me now," Christen beamed. She was about to get up but stopped as she stared at you, "hubba hubba," she teased as her eyes shamelessly went to your abs. 

You blushed at her actions and walked over to her and gently cupped her cheeks and placed a tender kiss on her lips. She moaned into your arms and deepened the kiss. You could feel her tongue asking for entrance, which you granted as you were too tired to even put up a fight. 

You moaned at the feeling of her tongue exploring your mouth, and as much as you wanted to continue this, you knew she wanted some food and to begin the day.

"As much as I love kissing you in the morning, breakfast isn't going to come to us," you sighed. 

"Mh, one more minute," she said, barely breaking any contact. She gave you one last long kiss before finally getting ready. 

 She stood up and started rummaging through her clothes. You couldn't help but observe her movement. Maybe you were slightly falling for her even more if that was possible.

"Umm, as much as I love seeing your washed-board abs, I need to shower, unlike you who's already done that," she interrupted your thoughts.

"Aw come on, I've practically almost seen you naked," you teased at her. She threw your shirt at you hard, making you laugh even more.

"Get out, before I make you," she chuckled. You threw your hands up in surrender and walked yourself out the door. 

"I'll meet you in two hours," you called back before closing the door. You smiled to yourself in the hallway before making your way back to your own room to change into clean clothes.

As soon as you opened the door, Kristie was on the phone with someone.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later, bye," she said before hanging up.

"Who was that?" You asked curiously as you went through your suitcase.

"Oh, just a friend," she said nonchalantly. You knew she was hiding something, but you kept a note to yourself to have this conversation later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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