Chapter 14 | Search

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"Gone, what do you mean gone?!" Abby yelled after you gave her the news.

"Shhhh, quiet down will you!" You hissed at her, "I went to her room, which was open, so when I walked in, I didn't find any of her stuff. No note, it was like she wasn't even there to begin with," you sighed.

"So, you didn't even get to talk to her?"

"No. I looked all over for her, but I can't find her," you felt defeated, your heart was heavy, and your hands couldn't stop shaking.

"N-no, that's impossible. She has to be here, she wouldn't just leave," Abby stammered, "I refuse. I'll help you find her. We'll have others search for her too."

"No! Just keep it to us right now. We don't want to alarm anyone yet until we're sure she's gone."

"Fine, but we're going to tell Midge."

You nodded your head in agreement, and the two of you walked to discretely tell Midge the news. After she gave the same reaction as Abby, the three of you went out to find Christen.

"So, tell me why she just left?" Midge asked you as you guys were walking around the hotel.

"It's a long story," you said, feeling exhausted.

"I've got time," Midge replied, giving you a soft smile.

You took a deep sigh and began telling Midge the whole story. The whole time, she sometimes would give a shocked expression, a sympathetic nod, or a displeasing one. You didn't feel nervous telling her though, maybe it was because you already told Abby and since you trusted them, you felt at ease. When you were done, Midge took a moment to compose everything.

"So that's why you guys are always fighting. It makes so much sense," she said.

"I know, and I'm sorry that we dragged the team into this," you apologized.

"No, you're fine. If anything, Christen should have been the bigger person. She is a veteran after all and you're new on the team. She should've been the adult," Midge brushed off, "and now look at us, she's run off to god knows where and isn't pulling her shit together."

"She's just as confused as I am, if anything, we shouldn't be mad at her until we hear her side," Abby put in.

"Are you kidding? She's putting (y/n) through hell right now. She's manipulating her and playing with her emotions," Midge stated firmly.

"Okay, let's not get ahead of ourselves yet. Our goal is to find her first and then we'll deal with the rest," you quickly said, trying to avoid an argument between them. The three of you rounded a bend and saw another empty hallway. You guys were searching for a half hour, and no sign of her anywhere.

"I give up, we need to tell the others. Maybe they'd know," suggested Midge, sighing out in frustration, "I mean did she have the courtesy to leave a note?"

"She left no clues, nothing. I swear she must have been planning this," hypothesized Abby.

"I think she was. The past couple days, I noticed she was acting different. She was distancing herself from others, even Tobin. She looked nervous," you informed.

"And you didn't tell anyone because?" Midge asked, trying to figure out your reason.

"Well, I wasn't thinking she was going to run away. That isn't the first thing that comes into someone's head when you see a nervous person."

"Have you watched any crime shows? Sherlock Holmes, Criminal Minds?" Abby asked.

"No, why, should I?"

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