Chapter 4 | Too Good to be True

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It was the second week of training, which meant after this week and half of next week, the team would be traveling to various cities around the states playing against World Cup-bound opponents in friendlies. You took last weekend to collect and recover from Friday's mishap, and came to the conclusion that although things between Christen didn't turn out how you wanted, you would at least be civil around her. Try to be at least.

As the team got off the bus for training, you noticed Christen not giving you glares. She still acted as though you weren't there but didn't go out of her way to pick a fight with you. Maybe this was her way of saying sorry? You noticed she acted different after Vlatko chewed you guys out.

"Blimey, I could have sworn I brought my other shin guard," Midge muttered as she rummaged through her bag.

"It's probably on the bus, and when do you use vocabulary from English people?"

"It sometimes just comes out. I don't know, it's a weird habit," she shrugged. She was about to go back on the bus to look for her missing shin guard, when she suddenly stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh my god (y/n)," she started giggling. You looked at her puzzled. She then lifted her pants and there revealed her missing shin guard.

"This bitch," you joked. You earned a swat on the arm as Midge sat back down.

"I see you and Christen have settled things," she noticed.

"No, we haven't talked since Friday. We're just ignoring each other, probably for the best actually. Vlatko thinks we've worked out our problems, but as long as he thinks that, everyone's good," you sighed.

"Well, it's making the whole vibe of this team better. And it will lay off the people who are making bets," she pointed out.

"Did you indulge in such activities?" You asked her. She stopped at what she was doing and slowly looked up at you, giving you the answer without a single word.

"I hate you," you smiled. She smirked but stood up and gave you a quick hug.

"But I made sure you would win," she said in a squeaky voice. You laughed and tried to get her off of you, but she clung on like a koala.

You then moved your hands and tased her on the ribs. This made her release her grip and fall to the ground in a laughing mess. You couldn't help but laugh along, knowing you two were making a scene but who cares. You looked up and saw Christen looking right at you. It wasn't a disapproving look, nor the most pleasant one. Curious maybe? No, impossible. You shrugged it off and helped Midge up before starting the warm-up. 

After a grueling session in the morning, you took the time to call your family as it has been awhile. Fortunately, you taught your folks how facetime works before you left so you could at least see their faces, but they always were slow at learning new things about technology.

"Hey (y/n)! How's it going over there?" Asked your mom through the phone once she picked up after several rings.

"It's alright, coach has it working our tails off," you said, keeping the answer short so she didn't have to dig for answers you didn't necessarily want to give.

"You sound tired, are you getting enough sleep?" She asked worriedly.

"Yeah mom, they want us to be well rested."

"Making friends? No drama right?" She continued. You didn't want to answer the second part of the answer, but luckily was saved from your dad.

"Honey give her a break, she's on the national team for crying out loud," you heard your dad say in the background. You chuckled at his comment, never getting tired of their small bickering.

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