Chapter 10 | The Next Day

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The next morning, you woke up to something heavy on your arm, or rather, someone. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the light and saw Christen's head on your right arm, her back facing towards you. You didn't want to wake her up, so you slowly and carefully removed your arm from underneath her, getting up and grabbing your shoes before leaving the room.

Before you opened the door, you heard Christen murmur to herself. You turned around, afraid you had woken her, but to your luck, she turned on her other side and continued to sleep. As soon as you stepped out in the hallway, you looked down at your right hand that had punched the guy from last night. The knuckles were slightly bruised, but it wasn't too bad. But you definitely didn't want anyone to see it. To your "luck," you ran into Crystal who was Christen's roommate.

"Oh, hey there Crystal, didn't see you," you stuttered. You quickly put your hand behind your back to hide it. Since you were wearing a short-sleeve shirt, you couldn't cover it with your sleeve, and you took note to wear long-sleeves until the bruising went away.

"No problem, I hope you got some good sleep. When I came back, I saw you two knocked out cold," she smiled.

Your mind raced through everything that happened last night. From the game, to the dancing, punching the guy in the face, and helping Christen and getting a kiss from her. You slightly gulped as you reminisced, "yeah, big night for both of us," you replied, trying to not give any hints of you hiding something.

"Guess it's our luck that we have an off day today, or else half the team would be playing with hangovers," Crystal chuckled. You smirked at the sight of that, imagining half the team on their faces as they tried playing after a night of partying.

"We'll I should head back to my room, but I'll see you around?" You said. She nodded and you left to your own room, seeing Emily snoring away.

This didn't surprise you, and you grabbed some fresh clothes before taking a shower to wash out from last night. You stood in there, thinking on what to do when you see Christen again. Sure, it was a kiss, but it didn't mean much. Especially when she was drunk.

Tch, she probably won't even remember it you thought as you scrubbed vigorously through your hair, not realizing how hard you were going.

After getting ready for the day, you walked down to get food and saw Midge sitting at one of the tables by herself. Smiling to see your friend, you went up to her to see how she was doing after last night's events.

"Hey Midge, how are you feeling?" You smirked, seeing how tired she looked.

"Mhm, how do you people stand going out and doing that kind of stuff? I feel terrible, my leg's are sore, my throat is dry, and I have a headache from too much drinking," she groaned. She was laying her head down on the table, a plate of food in front of her which looked untouched.

"Are you going to eat that?" You motioned to the food.

"I tried, but I feel like I'm just going to throw it all up, you want it?"

"I hate seeing good food going to waste," you answered, taking a seat next to her and taking a few bites.

"How are you not dying? I saw you dancing last night," she exclaimed.

You stopped, and hoped she didn't see you dancing with Christen, "Y-yeah, but I didn't drink so I don't have a hangover," you replied, choosing your words carefully.

"Smart, next time don't let me drink or not as much," she requested, lifting her head up and looking at you with groggy eyes.

You chuckled, "You sure got a taste of what clubbing is about Midge, careful, or you might end as wild as Emily," you teased.

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