Chapter 8 | Awkwardness

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After more weeks of training and playing games, you were starting to become a big shot on the team. Vlatko put you in more games and as a 'thank you', you scored 7 goals in 4 games. Everyone could see how well you were improving this team, but you always stood humble about it.

Right now, you are walking with Midge, Rose, Sam, and Mal to go exploring around Frisco, Texas as the team was to play against England here.

"Oi, who do you think will start next match, they still haven't posted the lineup," observed Mal, carrying a Starbucks drink in hand and checking her phone for the email.

"Who knows, but let's just say it'll be tough to decide between Christen, Alex, and (y/n)," smirked Rose. At this point, the team had started yet another bet, this time, seeing who would get the most starting spots in games.

"Come on guys, it's not like that anymore," you rolled your eyes.

"Ah relax (y/n), what's a little competition hurting anyone?" Teased Sam, prodding her elbow on your arm.

"Since you guys are so oblivious to what's going on, Christen and I are on good terms and we're keeping it like that," you informed, pushing Sam off of you.

"Whatever you say, but that won't stop us from making bets," she smirked. You rolled your eyes again and sighed in defeat, knowing Sam was right and they wouldn't stop.

"Cut her some slack, she's made a name out of herself for the past couple weeks. Maybe Vlatko will put all three of them in this time as the starters," cut in Midge, making sure she had your back. You smiled to her, acknowledging her assist.

"Maybe, but we still have Carli, Tobin, Megan, and even Mal here to decide. It's going to be a tough call," pointed out Rose.

"Eh, it's fine, I guess I can give (y/n) the spotlight from time to time," Mal teased. You smirked at her.

"Oh guys, look at the sunset!" Awed Sam.

The group stopped and looked at the view in front of them and saw the sky a blood orange color. Wow you thought to yourself. You pulled out your phone and posted a boomerang on your Instagram story, showing the sunset and the girls and tagging them.

Maybe Vlatko would put you in again as a starter this game. You knew England was a very tough opponent and have always wanted to meet Lucy Bronze. Hopefully you could switch jerseys with her after the game. You saw you got a notification from Instagram, and saw Christen commented on your post saying, "where am I?" 🥺 You smiled to yourself and typed, "so sorry, next time I'll take you to one of my favorite spots in Colorado" 😘 A few minutes later, she said deal with a red heart at the end. You felt your stomach flutter a little from that, making you bite the inside of your cheek.

"Hey, earth to (y/n), we're going to the mall, you coming?" Asked Midge.

"Yeah, sorry," you apologized, catching up to the group.

After shopping and eating, the group returned to the hotel where you went and flopped on your bed, sharing the room with Emily this time. She was a good roommate but tended to stay up on the later side and not to mention on the loud side as well.

You decided to text Christen to see if she was in her room, and to your luck, she was. You both decided to meet and go hang out on the outside patio.

"Hey," you said in a calm tone as soon as you met her in the hallway.

"Hey (y/n)," she replied in her sweet, soothing voice. When she said your name, it made your spine shiver. Once the two of you reached the patio, the two of you sat at the edge of the pool, letting your legs get partially wet while having the light from the pool glow. 

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