Chapter 11 | Back Home

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You gulped. You stood at the door, face to face with Christen who looked annoyed as hell. So much for avoiding her you groaned in your head, "sure, what's up?" You moved aside for her to walk in the room, closing the door and staying by the door, afraid to get any closer to her.

"I was out with some of the others today, and one of them told me about this guy from last night," she began. This caught you off guard, as you were expecting her to talk about the kiss, afraid she had remembered and was going to chew you out for not telling her in the first place.

"Y-yeah, what about him?" Your voice sounded nervous, and you embarrassingly tried to hide it.

"Well we actually ran into him believe it or not, small world huh?" She stated, turning around to face you.

Your hand immediately clenched into a fist, "what, are you okay?!" You asked, forgetting Christen looked angry at you.

"I'm fine (y/n), you don't have to worry about me all the time," she brushed off, sounding annoyed.

"I know, I'm sorry," your cheeks heating up.

"That reaction you just gave was enough for me to confirm my suspicions. You punched him, didn't you?" She accused.

You looked at the ground, afraid to look in her eyes. So, this was what she wanted to confront me about you concluded, feeling like a fool as you completely forgot to even think about mentioning this to her.

"Tsk, you needed help, so I stopped him from doing anything else," you finally answered.

"(y/n), let me see your hand," she requested, but it felt more like a demand with the tone of her voice. You tugged on your right sleeve to hide your hand even more. Your eyes still hadn't left the ground, your legs frozen in place. You heard her taking a few steps towards you, and you knew it was pointless to walk away. She stood inches from you, her perfume hitting your nose, "let me see," she said again, her words laced with determination. You kept your hand to your side, refusing her request.

Her hands slowly reached down and firmly held your arm. You resisted for a brief second but stopped when you could see from your peripheral vision her eyes looking at you. You lifted your eyes to finally look back at her and were surprised to see her face didn't look angry but concerned. Taking a sigh, you relaxed your right arm, allowing her to lift it and move the sleeve up. She slightly gasped once she saw the bruises.

"(y/n) ... why?" She whispered.

"Why? Because he was being an asshole and he grabbed you. I know it was rash of me, but that was the only way he would let go," you stated, not regretting what you did.

"An 'asshole.' Really? God (y/n), I can think a thousand other ways to get away from him without hurting him," she said.

"You serious, you're really going to defend him now?" You were astonished at her words. She looked upset and had backed away from you at this point, "the guy was harassing you Christen, and you were intoxicated. You didn't have any power in that situation and if it wasn't for me, I don't know what would have happened," you argued back.

"I'm not defending him, but I'm a person who tries to avoid physical fights as much as possible," she defended. She crossed her arms and her whole body looked like it was tightening up.

"Well sorry for not knowing that beforehand, here, should we go back and find him and redo the situation so it can be in your favor?" You retorted.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I came here to get answers from you because I knew you were hiding something from me this morning and I was right!" She yelled.

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