Chapter 12 | Back to Where it Was

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It was finally game day, and you couldn't help but feel more excited than usual. It was probably because it felt like a home game for you. The match was against France, another great opponent to go against.

As you stepped off the bus, you saw more people wearing your jersey and calling your name. You liked how you were making a name out of yourself on this team. The popularity had its perks, but you made sure to stay humble and promised yourself it wouldn't get to your head.

You and Christen still hadn't talked, and the recent practices weren't the best, but not as bad as before. You guessed since the game was coming up, you both non-verbally agreed to keep your personal vendetta aside until after the game. Midge and Abby seemed to have noticed the slight change and patted you on the back for putting the team first. As you threw on your uniform, you looked at the t.v. that was displayed in the locker room and watched as the camera aimed at the crowd, making you smile that your family and Jess were somewhere in the crowd, here to watch you in person for the first time.

"You nervous, playing in front of your family?" Asked Megan, sitting down in her seat as her locker was next to yours.

"I would be lying if I wasn't. Is it that easy to tell?" You responded grinning.

"You've got the face of every newbie who plays their first game in their state. A lot of us are from California, so you can bet we always get excited to play there," she said as she gave you a reassuring look, "besides, it's the family and friends that always make it even more special."

As she left you to your own thoughts, you scanned the room to find the familiar brunette player, and saw she was sitting alone, listening to her own music. In that moment, you didn't know what to feel or think. The only thing you did know, was that both of you don't go down without a fight. Suddenly, she lifted her head and caught you staring her. Her expression on her face was intimidating, and you couldn't help but gulp and look away. Note to self, don't start having a train of thought while looking at the person you were thinking of.


The whistle blew, and you ran forward as you put pressure on the French team. The ball was in your team's possession, and you knew everything about France's team was going to be very challenging.

You saw as the ball was passed from Becky to Kristie, a French midfielder got the ball, and crossed it to one of their forwards, who almost made a goal if it wasn't for Alyssa's save. You saw from the bench Vlatko yelling something at the defenders. You wished you could do something, but Vlatko had given you specific instructions to stay at the top and make any runs as possible.

Alyssa gave a big punt, sending it over the half-way line and right to Tobin's feet. She gracefully megged one player and proceeded to keep the ball to herself. You watched and timed your run as you began making your way closer to the French goal. She passed you the ball a few meters outside the eighteen-yard box. Passing a defender, you saw one last defender and looked to your left and saw Christen parallel to you, calling for the ball. However, she was marked by an opponent from behind and knew she didn't see her yet. You decided to keep the ball and try to take a shot at a hard angle, but it was easily blocked by the goalie. You groaned in frustration and slapped the grass underneath the momentum of your run and the shot made you fall down.

You saw Christen give you one of the deadliest glares, and you knew you were going to get a lecture from her later. As the first half continued, both teams were taking shots against their goalies, and by the end of it, the score was one to zero in favor of the French team.

You walked off the field with your back slumped over, and you cursed to yourself for playing such a pathetic performance. Stepping into the locker room, you could tell everyone felt the same. Everyone was tired, and you knew Vlatko wasn't happy either.

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