Chapter 13 | Unexpected

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You heard Coach Vlatko yell out as the team was running sprints on the field. It was a hot day, the sun was hitting your skin, the benches were too hot to sit on, and you could feel your whole-body aching. Every time you lined up on the line, your legs were shaking. You leaned your arms on them, and felt your legs drenched in your sweat, disgusting as that was.

The sound of grass tearing up as the cleats dug into the ground was echoed around you, the sound of heavy breathing came from everyone, and you could see how sweaty everyone was. As you ran back to the line, Vlatko blew his whistle to have a quick water break. You sighed out in relief, holding your hand above your eyes to cover the brightness of the sun and stumbled over to the staff person who carried a cart of water.

"Any chance you could tell Vlatko not to punish the whole team? That way we don't have to suffer for your actions?" Gasped Midge as she squirted water on her face.

"Haha, very funny. I don't think that is what is making him do this. That was a week ago," you pointed out.

"I agree, I think since we played poorly against France, he's punishing us for that," put in Rose.

"But in this heat? I mean I understand we're professional athletes and work really hard, but it's almost 90 degrees, there has to be a limit, right?"

"Your guess is as good as mine," you shrugged. You turned your head and saw Christen talking to Alex. The two of you hadn't talked since Vlakto made you both run, but there were no dirty looks, snarky comments, just silence. You heard the whistle blew again, and all of you groaned.

"Just think of it like this, as soon as we're done, we get to enjoy the next day in 60 degrees," Rose said, trying to brighten peoples' spirits.


Your legs ached as you walked up the short flight of stairs on the bus. Even though the team did a ten-minute stretching session after practice, you could still feel your body hurting. You groaned as you sat in your seat, taking in the soft fabric underneath.

"I don't know about you, but once we get back to the hotel, I'm taking a shower and taking a long nap," stated Abby, throwing her stuff on the ground.

"When we get back, I'm eating the first thing I see," you responded. You were so tired, that you couldn't lift your head off the headrest.

"How are things with Christen?" She asked.

"What is there to say? We don't talk, don't look at each other, aren't even six feet within each other, it's awkward, but it isn't doing any harm," You replied. As you still hadn't told anyone about your kiss with Chirsten, it was starting to kill you. You knew you'd feel a lot better if you told someone, but at the same time it was hard.

You didn't know why it was difficult for you telling Midge and or Abby, you're open about your sexuality, but it was different with this team. You couldn't put your finger on it, but you knew the team would support you.

As the bus got back to the hotel, you went up to your room and flopped on the bed. This time, everyone had their own room, and you weren't complaining about it. With all this traveling and being together almost 24/7, it was nice to have time to yourself.

Throwing off your sweaty uniform, you got in the shower, welcoming the cool water hitting your skin. You stretched your back, hearing it crack. You groaned at the sight of the dirt on your legs and scrubbed vigorously at them. As you looked at yourself in the mirror, you could see the soccer tan line showing, and you groaned even more. Even though you threw on a ton of sunscreen, it still wasn't enough to avoid a soccer tan.

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