Chapter 18 | Gray area

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It had been a few days since your first kiss with Christen, and since then, the two of you have been sneaking glances here and there during practices, team meetings, meals, or whenever you guys were out.

It was easy to just watch her train while you sat on the bench with your trusty crutches. You hated to admit that she caught you several times watching her, sending blushes every time. You ached not doing anything, itching to touch the ball with your feet and hear the sound of it hitting the back of the net.

You couldn't help but feel butterflies when you were around her, especially when she would "accidentally" touch your hand. The same could be said with Christen, as she would automatically smile when you walked in a room, and as soon as the two of you made eye contact, it felt her heart skipped a beat.


As soon as you both broke apart from the kiss, you looked in her eyes to see any evidence of regret, but you were having a hard time in doing so. You couldn't help but chuckle at the moment, covering your mouth to try to hide your smile.

"What's so funny?" She asked.

"Nothing, sorry, it's just I've had a huge crush on you when I was in college and now that I just kissed you, it's kind of serial, you know?"

She chuckled at your answer, gently caressing your cheek with her soft delicate hand, "guess you're one lucky person."

"You have no idea," you leaned back in and placed a tender kiss on her lips again before wrapping your arms around her waist for a hug. You engulfed in the smell of her vanilla perfume, which was mixed with sweat from the game, but you didn't care.

You could feel her arms tighten around your neck as she buried her nose in the crook of your neck, "I'm sorry," she croaked out.

"I know," you whispered, "but we're past that."

She looked down at you, her eyes watering making your chest feel slightly heavy as you hated seeing her in a vulnerable state, "hey, don't cry," you gave a comforting smile.

"I'm sorry, I know I can get emotional," she chuckled.

"Really? I had no idea," you teased. This sent Christen giving you a playful shove. Her eyes rolled back but sarcastically.

"I actually had one favor I wanted to ask you, and please, be honest if you're uncomfortable with the idea because I can just cover for you," you began. She looked at you slightly confused but nodded so you could elaborate.

"I was wondering if I could tell Midge and Abby why you were gone. They've helped me so much and since they are the only ones who knew you were gone; I feel like they should know why they were helping. I mean I totally understand if you don't want me to, but I also don't see them the 'spreading other peoples' private stuff' kind of people. I'm sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting, oh god I'm making a fool out of myself aren't I? I just wanted to ask so I didn't' out you or anything when you aren't ready."

To stop you from rambling, you felt both her hands cup both your cheeks, so you were forced to look at her again, "(y/n), it's fine if you tell them. I would want to know to and they're your closest friends here," she smiled, "besides, I should tell Tobin too. I owe her at least that."

You felt relieved and felt a huge weight come off your shoulders, "oh thank god, I didn't want to keep lying to them."

"You're also cute when you ramble," Christen giggled.

"Shut up Press, I'm just trying to be a considerate person," you huffed, giving a child-like pout to her.

"Well, you certainly are doing just that." The two of you sat in silence for moment, enjoying each other's company, "so you had a crush on me since college?" She perked up.

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