Chapter 9 | Dance floor

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It was finally game day against England, and you were anxious to play against one of the toughest components for the national team.

You found yourself walking alone to a nearby coffee place to start your day, listening to music and humming along as you went. Vlatko had told you that for this game, he wanted to put you in later because he put it as, "super sub," meaning a player who scores important goals when coming off the bench. At this point in your career, you agreed and didn't bat an eye.

As you walked back to the hotel with your coffee in hand, you saw some banners hanging along the street of teammates posing for the advertisement for the game today. You smirked when you saw yourself on one of them.

"Hey, you're on the national team, right?" asked a middle-age man who pointed at the banners.

"Yeah, you coming to watch?" You stopped to face him.

"My daughter has been wanting to see your games forever, and she's finally excited that you guys are here in Frisco," he smiled.

"That's awesome to hear, we love the support," you smiled back.

"She would hate me for this, but she's a big fan of yours especially, do you think you could say hi to her after the game? It's her birthday and she's turning eight. "

"Of course, what's her name and where will you guys be?"

"We'll be around the tunnel where you guys enter and exit the field. And her name is Lisa," he pulled out his phone and showed you a picture of her so you'd know who to find.

"Great! This will help, can't wait to meet her," You said, waving as you continued walking.

After getting back to the hotel and into your room, you saw Emily on her phone as she ate a bagel.

"Sup Em," you greeted.

"Hey (y/n), quick, pose for me," she said, turning her phone towards you. You put on a smile and gave a ridiculous pose for her. She laughed and yelled, "game day!" A few minutes later you saw yourself on her story on Instagram. Hopefully this day will go smoothly and that the game will be in your guys' favor.

After arriving at the stadium, having your earbuds in while walking in, giving the high-fives to the fans, and walking in the locker room, it was filled with music as Crystal was dancing, Emily being the DJ, and Megan hyping everyone up. During this time, you tended to stay near your locker and put on your uniform while watching at a good distance. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy the hectic vibe, it just wasn't part of your pre-game ritual.

You felt somebody sit next to you, and you turned to see it was Christen, "Hey Chris, what's up?" You asked, putting on a smile.

"I wish Vlatko put you in as a starter," she said, putting on a concerned face.

"What? No, it's fine, I'll come on and will score on them, just wait and see it," I smirked, pulling up one of my socks.

"You're sure? You don't feel like you got robbed?" She looked worried and you could tell she was on edge.

"Christen, look at me," you turned so your body was facing her. You placed your hands on her shoulders, "I'm fine, honestly. You don't have to worry about me."

She took a deep sigh and nodded. You then heard her mumble something but couldn't' quite hear what she said.

The team had then walked out to the field to warm-up and you tried not looking over at the other side of the field where the English team was warming-up. You caught Lucy Bronze in that crowd and made a goal for yourself to say hi to her after the game.

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