Chapter 7 | An Eventful Day

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Ever since you and Christen talked, you two made up the lost time in getting to know one another, Christen given advice to you as a forward, and hanging out when you weren't playing soccer. Christen's ankle got better, and she was able to practice with the team as long as she got it checked right after every practice. During the time she was still using the crutches, you helped her get her food as her hands were occupied with the crutches, hold her bag, and made sure she didn't fall. She would insist she was fine and didn't need a babysitter, but you ignored her and always replied she needed you. 

But what Christen didn't know, was that during this time, you were slowly falling for her even more. You cursed at yourself for doing this as you promised yourself earlier that this wasn't a good idea and that you were hurting yourself emotionally. Whenever Christen patted you on the back, rested her hand on your shoulder, or give a hug, your breath would always hitch and felt goosebumps throughout your body. You would always cover it up by smiling and the occasional laugh, but you knew only idiot would believe that.

Right now, you and Christen were at the beach as the team traveled to Florida for their match against Canada, a match everyone wanted to see.

You had on a pair of dark jeans with a loose white shirt under an oversized blue jean jacket. Being on the road, you constantly wore athletic clothing so dressing in regular clothes was a luxury to you. Christen also wore jeans and a black t-shirt tucked in, and if you had to be honest, whatever Christen wore looked good on her. The two of you sat side by side as you watched the ocean meet the beach and the sun just starting to set.

You took a picture of the golden sky and posted it on your Instagram story, tagging the location of where you were. Since you've played and scored your first goal, you've gained thousands of followers on Instagram. Every time you thought of that goal you couldn't help but smile and reminisce.

"So, what's the plan today?" Asked Christen as she turned her head to face you. You met her eyes, and you couldn't believe how her green eyes stood out. You gulped.

"What do you mean? We spent the morning training, then we went to grab ice cream, went on a walk, and now we're here, that was the plan today," you chuckled.

"Yeah I know, but we still got hours to kill before it's night time. What about dinner?" She continued.

You smiled at her persistence, "just out of curiosity, but why are you hanging out with me? I see you with Tobin, Megan, Alex, and the others," you asked, not wanting to imply you didn't like spending time with her, which in reality was the complete opposite.

"Well if you want me to leave, I can leave you to your thoughts," she slowly said, pretending to start getting up and leaving you.

"N-no! That's not what I meant," you quickly said. She laughed and plopped herself back down.

"It's so easy and fun messing with you," she smiled. You blushed and put on a pout, "I don't know, I guess it's like a new friend I can hang with. I already know so much about the others, and sometimes we have the same conversations over and over again, but it's different with you," she answered your question.

"Because I'm new on this team, you picked the newbiest of the newbs to hang with?"

"Can't you just accept my presence (y/n)?" She sighed.

You looked at her, and gave her a strong side hug, "of course I can Christen," you giggled. She returned the hug and joined you in the laugh.

"Okay but seriously, what is our plan for the night? I'm starting to get hungry and I'm not sure I want to eat hotel food again," she said, returning to the original conversation.

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