Chapter 20 | A Night Out

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You were about to take a bite of your protein bar, when you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned to see both Abby and Midge standing behind you, looking rather shy.

"Hey guys, what's up?" You asked.

"We just wanted to apologize for the way we were acting with Christen these past couple of days. I know it's been a while since she's come back and between that time and now, we were complete assholes," explained Midge.

"It's fine guys, really. Honestly, I understand why you guys were so cold around her. I really can, but if you do want to apologize, you should tell her that."

"You're right, do you know where she is?"

"I think taking an ice bath with Alex, but I'd suggest waiting until after where she's alone," you joked lightly. They both nodded and after they said goodbye, you were left alone again sitting at a dining table with your protein bar.

You scrolled through social media, and although you didn't like seeing what people were saying about you, you googled your name out of curiosity.

Nothing struck out to you, which was a good sign, only the fact you were still recovering from your injury. You were a hot topic with people after your little fight, but that had soon blown over and the fans have moved on to other things.

Whatever keeps them going you thought to yourself. By this point, the physician cleared you from using crutches but still wearing your brace. This was a milestone, but you definitely weren't out of the woods.

Suddenly, your phone dinged as Megan sent out a group message to the whole team.

Megan: Sup guys, since we've got a couple days off and (y/n) just graduated from crutches, I think we should have a team night out tonight. Go eat, party, let loose a little and have some fun. Whose game?

Sam: Me and Kristie are down

Mal: Count me in!

Alex: Kelley, Allie, and me will all be there

Emily: Duh, I'll be there. Anyone wanna pre-game with me?

Becky: Emily! There are children on this team

Emily: Come on 'mom', they've all been to college at least for a year, no one's foreign to some liquor

Y/N: Awww guys, I'll for sure be there

Tobin: I'll be there. Emily, I'll join

Christen: I'll come :) Congrats (y/n)!

Abby: Midge and I will attend, and Emily, don't finish the damn bottle before we get to your room!

Emily: Can't promise anything ;)

The group kept texting, but you kept your eyes hovered on Christen's text that was personally directed at you.

You got a direct message from Abby who wrote, "Congrats (y/n)!" Soooo adorable of Christen to think about you ;)

You rolled your eyes at this, knowing Abby and Midge would tease you about that, "shut up Dahlkemper" you wrote back. You couldn't help but blush from Christen's text, and you were thankful no one else was in the room to see you devastatingly trying to hide your smirk.

You then suddenly thought of what you would wear to go out tonight. You brought a couple outfits for such an occasion, but being an indecisive person, you knew you needed to call backup for this.

Quickly but carefully, you started making your way back to your room which you were sharing with Kristie. You hadn't spent a lot of time with her on the road, but you both agreed one day to spend the day together.

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