Chapter 18- Hotel

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Your pov
    "Y/n?" Terushima voice pulls me back into reality. "Yes Yuji?" "Stay in the car, do you understand?" my head jerks to look at him. "Why? I want to go with you." he sighs before giving me a slight smile. "That's good to hear, but. Here take this."

    He reaches behind my seat, a sack making noise under his touch. "Give me your hand." holding out my hand, palm facing up. A pill drops into my hand. "It'll calm you down. Actually here, take two more, it'll speed up the process."

    "Yuji why aren't they the same color? One's green, white, this one has white, and green." even though I'm complaining, I pop the three pills into my mouth, grabbing my water bottle. "See, you love pills. I'm going to go check us in. Put your stuff on."

    Watching him get out of the car, I go to put my beanie on. "You love pills, doesn't mean I want to take random pills." pouting, I put on my hoodie. I could easily escape, should I? No. He needs me. It's like I'm at tug of war with myself. Either way, I lose.

    The back door opens, startling me. "Get your bags from the trunk. We'll be staying awhile." nodding my head, I get out of the car. "Your new name is, Kaede." my face scrunches up, while I make a noise is disapproving. "No. That means maple tree, leaf, whatever. I want a different one."

    "Damnit Y/n, don't argue with me! You're now, Kaede Hayashi." he aggressively slams the trunk. "Great my name means maple tree in the forest." I mutter. "Wait, what's your new name then?" "Mine is Shinjiro Hayashi."

    Walking up the stairs to the second floor, "Shinjiro" leads the way. "This way." he turns left. A guy walks by, making eye contact with me. The time seems to slow down for a quick second. Soon as we pass by each other, I can't help but stop.

    Turning my body half way around, I look at the guys back profile. "Kaede. Get your ass over here now." the guy slows down taking a quick glimpse over his shoulder, before turning back around. Terushima grips my right forearm, pulling me forward.

    "R-right. Sorry." keeping my eyes locked on the ground, he pulls me along. Stopping at the door waiting for him to open the door, my mind still on that guy. Why'd he look so familiar? I've definitely seen him before. "Aright, go to the bathroom then let's go to bed. I bet you're pretty tired."

    "Now that you mention it, I feel pretty exhausted. I just want to go to bed." walking into the room, I drop my bags on the floor at the foot at the bed. Climbing into the full sized bed, I lay under the covers closing my eyes. "Whatever you gave me, is strong." "Good. Means I can sleep peacefully." I pass out before I can feel him get into the bed.


    "Y/n, wake up." pushing the arm away from me, I hide under the blanket. "I bet you have to really go to the bathroom." pressure adds to my bladder, making me jolt up. "I have to pee! Move!" stumbling to get out of the covers, I run to the bathroom not bothering to turn on the light.

    Washing my hands I look in the mirror. Is this really what I look like right now? Dark bags under my eyes, my clothes hanging loose off my body even more so now. Splashing water on my face, I walk out of the bathroom. "Come here Kaede. I need to run errands today, but here take these."

    Holding out my hands, he places three pills into my hand. Same color from last night too. "Turn on the tv, lay in bed and take a nap today. I'll be back with food." he hands me water. "How long will you be gone for?"

    "A few hours. Hopefully before dark, don't worry. Those pills will kick in a lot faster if you just lay still." he kisses my forehead. I watch him get ready, making sure he has everything. "Here." he hands me the remote. "Okay, I'll be back. Don't answer the door for anyone." with that he shuts the door behind him.

    Turning on the tv, I set the volume down lower. Sitting up, I hastily make my way to the door. Looking out the peephole on the door, I can barely see Terushima's form anymore. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I wait about fifteen minutes before walking back to the door. Opening the door, I look outside.

    Should I stay inside and wait for him? Or run while I have the chance to?

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