XIV- Death?

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🚨 Contains: Gore, profanity, and suicide. 🚨

    Alright, it's been a few hours. He should be asleep now. Carefully, I reach my arm behind me and grab my pillow. Stopping momentarily, I look at his face. He's so attractive, but why did he have to turn out this way?

    Softly sighing to myself I squeeze the pillow in between us. Slowly I sit up trying not to move around too much. Looking back, he hugs the pillow, luckily, he doesn't wake up. Inch by inch, I scoot myself to the edge of the bed, leaving space between us.

    Finally, I'm off the bed and I get down on all fours quietly as can be and start crawling out the room. Once the bedroom is out of sight, I stand up and make my way to the kitchen. Quietly opening the draws I find the knives. Picking out the biggest one, I go back to the bedroom.

    Taking a deep breath, I walk in only to stop in my tracks. Where is he? My blood starts running cold. Before I know it, I get tackled to the ground but do not let go of the knife. "You bitch! Thought you were going to run away? How naive." he wraps his hands around my neck.

    My windpipe closed up from his hands. At this rate, he'll rush my hyoid bone. Desperately trying to gasp for air, my vision starts to blur. Swinging the knife in front of his face, he lets go of my neck, screaming out.

    Coughing out, I scram to my feet, moving to the other side of the room. "Just for that, I'm going to kill you," he says, looking at the ground. Venom, clear in his voice. If he gets his hands on me, he might actually kill me.

"And here I thought you loved me." "Loved YOU?! You're crazier than I thought! You killed Tendou! Bobata! Was there anyone else?!" he grins, smiling with blood dripping down his face.

"You know that night when you had your little party? I thought about killing the rest of the guys but then I thought not. I'll do something that benefits me." he laughs, then stops abruptly.

"They were all so fucked up from the drugs and alcohol. I took pictures of them, while they slept. Made sure to get a few bottles, the coke, and the heroin shit in the picture. Just got a burner phone, texted them, blackmailed them, and they did what I asked."

He shrugs his shoulders, collecting some of his blood off his cheek, then licking it. "What did you have them do?" my voice wavers. "I had one of them write your "Running away" note. Then one by one, I had them commit suicide. Of course, I had to make them believe no one wanted them around, which a few were easier to convince than others."

I can physically feel my heartbreak. Dropping to my knees, the tears flow with no intentions of stopping. "Why do you think it's been so easy keeping you here? No one cares that you're gone. You were just the town's junkie slut. That's all you'll ever be." he sighs out.

My grip on the knife tightens. I'm so sorry, forgive me Bokuto, Kuroo, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, and Suna. Bringing the knife to my stomach, I look up at Terushima. "You win, congratulations," I tell him between sobs. "What are you doing, Y/n?"

His left-hand reaches out, taking a step forward. I plunge the knife into my stomach, biting my lip so hard it starts to bleed. Pulling the knife out with a grunt, I aim up towards my pancreas. Pushing it into my skin, I scream. Terushima runs to me, but before he can take the knife away from me, I twist it causing more damage to myself.

"Y/N! STOP!" he shoves my hands away, examining my wounds. Red stains my shirt. Warm liquid running down my body. My eyelids start getting heavy. "Yuji, I'm tired." coughing a bit, I spit up blood on my hand.

"No, don't close your eyes. I need you to stay awake. I'm serious." his voice slowly starts to become faded. Smiling to myself, I hope this is the last I see him. My eyes close and I fall into slumber. Pain ceasing.

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