XII- Fear

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    A month has passed since I've seen that horrid video. Not once have I uttered a single word to Terushima. He's been patient, but I can tell he's quickly getting fed up with the silent treatment.

    "Y/n." choosing to ignore him I push my book up to my face more, shifting on the couch to get more comfortable. "I've been giving you your space, but I've had enough! Talk to me. Now." he leans down, hovering over me.

    Clearing my throat, I close my book putting it on the cushion next to me. I can feel his gaze on me, does he always need to be so intense? Walking past him, I don't get far until he's used his leg to sweep mine out from under me.

    Before I can hit the floor, I hold out my hands in front of me protecting my baby. Even though it's his kid, it's still mine. "I'm going to ask you this one time, Y/n. Why are you ignoring me?" clicking my tongue, I start to get up.

    That doesn't last long, he kicks my stomach over, and over again. He has me laying on my side, I'm curled up. Arms protecting my stomach, not daring to move. Terushima takes notice as he starts kicking my face without hesitation.

    Red floods my vision, a puddle of my blood surrounds my face. My head pounding. He finally stops. "Why do you have to make this, so hard?" he pants out lightly. A gut-wrenching sob leaves my lips when he stomps on my stomach.

    "What-what did you do Terushima?!" my tears mixed in with my blood. "WHAT DID I DO? WHAT DID YOU DO!" he yells back, squatting down, and yanking my hair back. "You monster. You probably killed our baby." my arms tighten around my stomach.

    He lays my head down, gently. Confusion and fear are visible on his face. "Did you just say 'our baby'" he questions. Shakily I nod my head. Without another word, he picks me up carefully. Terushima sets me down on the bathroom counter, leaving the bathroom.

    Coming back with a rag in hand, he turns on the water from the sink, letting it warm up. Wetting the rag, he stops the water. He maneuvers himself in between legs, a frown on his lips. Taking his time, he cleans off the blood from my face.

    After he's done cleaning my face off, he puts the rag in the sink and goes to the bath turning it on. Putting the stopper in the tub, he comes back to me.

    He can barely look at me in my eyes while helping me out of my clothes. Picking me up bridal style, he doesn't rush setting me down in the tub. Taking off his clothes, he gets in. We face each other but never look at each other.

    Turning off the water we sit in silence. Leaning my back against the tub, I pull my legs closer to me, rubbing circles on my stomach. Looking at the floor, thinking about everything. "Y/n?" he whispers out.

    Not saying anything, nor moving an inch, I just listen. "Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant?" I can hear the sadness in his voice. "I didn't know how to tell you. Honestly, I was still processing it." my voice cracks. "I was scared." closing my eyes, I fall asleep.

    Waking up, I open my eyes to see I'm dressed in a large shirt, and sweats. Getting off the bed, I look around not seeing Terushima around. It's oddly quiet in here. Making my way to the door, I try opening the door, but it wouldn't budge.

   Panic starts to flood my body. My hands start banging on the door. "Terushima! Let me out! I don't like this!" my voice coming out raspy. A few minutes go by, and I stop banging on the door. He locked me in here, he locked me in.

    "No, he wouldn't lock me in here." pacing back and forth through the room, I start getting nauseous. Thunder booms out of nowhere, making me jump. Wincing to myself, I go to the window pushing the curtains to the side, only to be met with another sound of thunder.

     With a shriek, I run to the closet closing the doors. Hiding behind the jackets, facing the corner of the closet, my hands cover my ears. Humming a song, trying to block out the noise only works for so long. Not long after, I pass out.

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