Chapter 21- Party over

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Fire starts to burn my skin, cackling noises are heard. Bloody gut wrenching screams come from the both of us. The pain is too much for me to handle, especially with the smoke. I look at Terushima one last time before I pass out.

Cop cars, ambulances, and a fire truck all come rushing to get to the hotel. The fire spreading like a wildfire. "Oh my god. She was staying in that room." Daishou whispers to himself but his teammates heard him. "I wonder who lit the fire." Koji says.

    The other people staying in the hotel are all cluttered in the front, talking about it. A few of the guests mentioning how they heard screams from both the girl and guy, but didn't think much of it until they heard the smoke detector go off.

    The ambulances, cops, and firefighters arrive. Cops rushing out of the car, making everyone move back farther so the firefighters can do their job. The firefighters get the hose, and start spraying inside the windows. Once the fire died down some, a few firefighters went into the room Yuji and Y/n we're staying in.

    One of the firefighters come out of the room. His head down, and empty handed. One of the police officer comes up to them. "Why didn't you grab the body?" the cop asks. He shakes his head. "The two bodies, from the waist down, the skin was burned off. We're going to have to clear the area. We don't need them seeing this."

    The paramedics walk up to the firefighter "We called the medical examiners, so they can pick up the bodies. They'll be in a few minutes." the firefighter nods, walks back up the stairs and continue to helps. Once the medical examiners come onto the scene, the paramedics fill them in.

    Getting the two severely burned bodies down the stairs was somewhat difficult considering their flesh on their legs melted off. The firefighters put them on the gurneys, and medical examiners cover them with a sheet. The roll them into the the back of their truck and take off to the laboratory for an autopsy.

    During the autopsy, the medical examiner found out some dreadful news. The girl who was a Jane Doe, was a few weeks pregnant. After many different tests, the medical examiner concluded the girl didn't know she was pregnant. The medical examiner kept staring at the name that was engraved from her collarbone, down to her stomach.

    Moving on, the examiner went to the, John Doe. Nothing seemed wrong with his body, except the fact his body was burnt to a crisp. Opening his mouth, they saw his piercing. Taking a closer look at his face, they've seen him before, but couldn't put their finger on it. Looking between the Jane, John Doe, it finally hit them.

    Practically throwing off the gloves, and sanitizing their hands they pull out their phone. Walking over to the girl, they type in "Terushima Y." the rest of the name wasn't readable. Multiple articles pop up, "Two teenagers on the run." "Teen kidnaps a girl." and etc. After reading a couple of articles, the examiner makes a few calls.

A week has passed by, it time for the funeral. Not many relatives showed up but a lot of volleyball teams did. Nekoma, Fukurodani, Aboa Johsai, Inarizaki, Shiratorizawa, and Nohebi. Daishou felt extremely terrible for what had went down. They figured the least they could do was attend your funeral.

As for the other teams they knew how much Kuroo, Bokuto, Hanamaki, Matsukawa, Suna, and Tendou, Bobata, all meant to you, and how much you meant to them. Akaashi, your cousin was probably in the worst state. Not only had he lost his lover who was his best friend, but he also lost you who was like his sister.

The grieving process was harder for some than others. Secretly, a couple of the guys wish the boys hadn't met you. If they hadn't met you, they probably wouldn't be fix feet under like you. Of course they would never admit to something like that.

For Terushima funeral only a handful of people showed up. Looking back now, a few of Johzenji's players could see the difference in Terushima and how his behavior was clear that he was obsessed with you. Unfortunately, they were blindly simply because he was their friends. Captain. They didn't want to believe he was capable of destruction.

A few years have passed and since that accident a lot of the guys quit talking to each other. As for others, it tighten their bond. Akaashi was finally starting to get better, mentally. He visited yours and Bokuto's grave often. He'll spend so much time standing there, looking at the tombstone, that before he knows it, it's already dark outside.

The seven of your tombstones are always cleaned. Whenever the flowers start to wilt, new ones replaced them. Time goes by, and eventually everyone starts living their life to fullest. Of course, with the loving memory of the seven of you in the back of their minds.

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