VIII- Hazy

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🚨 Contains: drug usage, and oral 🚨

This feels nice so soft, and warm. "Y/n, wake up." who is that? Rolling onto my side, pulling the covers over my head about to go back to sleep, only for memories to come back forcing my body to jolt up.

"NO! Stay away from me!" throwing the blankets in his face and tumbling off the side of his bed. "Babe? What's wrong?" he sets the blankets back on the bed, slowly treading towards me. "Tendou! You killed him! You killed him!" my emotions take over my body.

Coming undone my tears run down my face. "Doll, what are you talking about? Don't you remember? You threw a small party, I called you. Tendou picked up. He and I talked a little about you. You were so out of it, he called me to come over to watch you. You told me to take you to my house because you wanted some alone time."

He crouches down, hesitating to reach out. Terushima eventually does, and he moves the hair out of my face as if I'm a porcelain doll. "Don't you remember any of that?" sadness glooms over his face, he looks like he wants to cry.

"I... I do, but I only remember him and you talking. You, you killed him!" curling into a ball, my head leans onto my knees. Arms protecting my head. "No, I didn't. You were so intoxicated; you can't even recall that night! Maybe you should lay off the booze, you junkie." he scoffs.

Maybe he's right. I should. My head is starting to hurt from all this confusion. Lifting my head, setting my arms on my lap, I look at him. He takes a hit off a bong, before lounging back, resting on the headboard of his bed.

Cautiously, I crawl to the side of the bed. Head down, on my knees, fiddling with my fingers. "Do you want some?" Terushima asks not bothering to look at me. "May I?" my voice falters. "I don't know. You accused me of killing your friend, and you yelled at me. I don't think you deserve it."

"I'm sorry for yelling at you, I just. I thought you killed him. It must've been a nightmare." why was my voice so quiet? I'm not scared of him. "You hurt me. I think you need to make up for it. Don't you think so? You want to make things right, right?

Nodding my head, my eyes meet his. He looks so hurt. I feel bad. "Then I guess you can crawl over here on the floor and sit between my legs." I can feel my face start to heat up at his words. Getting on my hands and knees I crawl to him, settling between his legs. My head leans on his left thigh.

Terushima smiles a little. Petting my head. "You're such a good girl. I want you to suck me off, with no hands. Once I cum down that pretty little throat of yours, all will be forgiven. Understand?"

"U-understood." leaning down, he kisses my lips. A lingering kiss, but it's sweet. Terushima sits back. His hands behind him, supporting him. Hooking my index finger into his shorts, I pull them down teasingly slow.

"You're in no position to tease, doll. Hurry up." biting my lip, I pull down his boxers next. Moving my head up to the head of his cock, I spit on his tip earning a slight hiss from him. I dip my head down to lick up from his base to his tip.

My lips wrap around his tip, tongue circling the slit. "Shit, take it down your throat sweetheart," he says, moving the hair out of my face, into a ponytail with his right hand. My hands grip his inner thighs for balance.

Taking him inch by inch until I barely start to gag. My head goes back until his hand pushes my head down all the way. Gagging on his cock, feeling it slide down my throat only 'causes me to try to swallow around him.

"Yes, just like that. Look at you taking my cock oh so well. Fuck yes." he praises me, which encourages me to start bobbing my head faster to please him. Sucking my cheeks in tighter, my tongue swiping under his cock from left to right for more pleasure.

Closing my eyes, my fingernails dig into his thighs as I try not to gag too much. Hearing myself suck him off only 'causes me to get aroused as well. Rubbing my thighs together, he bucks his hips into my mouth, forcing a rather harsh gag from me.

"Ha- none of that. It's about me, stop that! Oh shit, I'm cumming!" he groans out, his fingertips pushing on my scalp even harder. He pushes my head all the way down on his cock. A light scream falls from my lips, muffled by his cock.

The vibrations increase his pleasure, 'causing him to cum harder. He lets my hair go, and gently cups my jaw, easing me off his cock. Inhaling, and exhaling he smiles at me. "You did so well. And because you did so well, open that top drawer to my nightstand."

Shifting on my knees, I open his drawer and look inside. "Yuji. Is that coke?" hopefulness in my voice. "Yes, get it out, and let's do some lines for your good behavior." he fixes his bottoms, before adjusting himself on the bed. Pulling the tray out, making sure everything was on there, I hand it to him.

Standing up, I get onto the bed. He's sitting in the middle of the bed, back against the headboard once more. Cuddling into his side, I look up at him eyeing his face. "And I'm done. Ladies first," he smirks handing me the rolled-up money.

"Heh. Thank you." taking the money from him, I sit up straight. Pressing the rolled-up five to my nose, and inhale quickly through my nose. The feeling of just snorting up the coke makes me laugh. Handing the money back to him, he takes it from me kissing my lips. My mind completely forgot about, Tendou.

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