IX- Naive

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"Hey, Yuji? How's Bobata doing? I miss him." I mutter out, not thinking about my wording. "He's doing good. But focus on me, doll, I'm the only one you should have eyes for," he says rubbing circles onto my lower back. "You're right. I'm starving, can we go out to eat?" I ask, pouting.

"I'm sorry, but no. I'll just go get some groceries, and we can cook tonight. Sound good?" "Yeah, I guess so," I whine, dramatically sliding down the couch onto the floor looking up at the ceiling. He chuckles, shaking his head. "I'll be back in like an hour more or less." he grabs the keys, opens the front door, and locks it.

Hearing his car fade into nothing, my body shoots up running to "our" bedroom. Opening every drawer in his bedroom, under his bed, under his mattress, under his nightstand, nothing comes up. Moving into his bathroom, I do the same thing. Nothing useful of course.

"Ahh, I need to find a phone!" telling myself, as if it would help me find anything. Running to the front door, twisting and turning the doorknob, but in the end, I still get the same results. It won't budge open. Glancing down a few feet from the door, memories of Tendou pop into my head.

"Tendou, I'm so sorry," I whisper, hands clutching the fabric right above my heart. He had so much to live for, and I took it away from him. Not directly, but that's close enough. He knew me, and he got killed for it.

Wiping my tears, this was no time to reminisce. I know Terushima is playing with my head. I'm not naive. A window! Yes, that's it. Wait If I try to knock a front window out, that'll be noticeable. It needs to be a window he doesn't go often near, where would that be?

That's impossible, he's the one who cooks so the kitchen window is out of the question. We're almost always in the living room. I guess it doesn't matter which window, the one by the door will do.

"Here goes nothing I guess." running to the bedroom, I grab a thin t-shirt from the closet and wrap it around my dominant hand. Soon as I get right in front of the window, I swing at the glass closing my eyes, turning my hips with the movement of my hand. Adrenaline pumps through my veins, giving me the strength to keep pushing through the burning sensation.

It hurts, but I can't give up yet. Multiple hits and just as I'm about to give up the sound of the glass cracking gives me the motivation I need. With one last final blow, the glass shatters. Breathing heavily, I open my eyes. My freedom. Using that same hand, I knock out the rest of the glass, so I won't cut myself when trying to go through the window.

Grabbing the window seal, I can't help but hiss out in pain. Looking down, blood trickles down the palm of my hand, and onto the window ledge. No, I don't have time to waste. Pushing through the pain, I jump out the window.

"Damnit, I stepped on some flowers." frowning, I quickly get out of the flowerbed. Sitting down in the grass I pull my foot up only to see shards of glass sticking out. Biting the insides of my cheeks, I pull the glass out with shaky hands and blurred vision. My head thrashes around, this is nothing like the movies! Once the glass is out, I sigh out in relief and tie the shirt around my foot which is gushing out blood, painting the green grass a crimson red.

The sun already set, which means he'll have a harder time seeing me if he passes by me and I might pull this off.

Now the question is, do I go left or right? Choosing left, I stay on the right side by the road. It'll be easier to take cover if I see him coming. Slowing down in my tracks, I can't help by look at my surroundings.

"Where is everyone? I know it's late but shouldn't there be at least one car?" the quietness starts to creep me out. Am I doing the right thing? Yes. I can't be doubting myself; I've come this far. Of course, I should've known better.

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