III- Possessive

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"Y/n, I get you're a let loose kind of girl, but be careful with whom you kiss like that." "Bobata, it's nice you're looking out for me but if I didn't know any better, I'd say you like me," I tell him, looking out the window. The rest of the way was oddly quiet.

"Kazuma, are you okay?" without giving an answer he turns off his car and gets out. Great now he's upset. Getting out of his car, I jog a little to the group smiling at them. "Y/n let's go!" Terushima jumps in the air flailing his arms excitedly.

Laughing at his childish tactics, he takes my hand and runs into the mall going to a random clothing store. "What about the team?" I ask, soft pants leave my parted lips. "What about them?" he chuckles tugging my hand, going to look in the guy's section.

Shaking my head, we quickly find ourselves putting on a fashion show for each other, not caring who looks at us. "Come on! I want to go to another store!" I yell at him from over my shoulder rushing out of the store, not waiting for him to get out of the dressing room.

I spin on the soles of my shoes, accidentally knocking into someone. "I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking, and whoa. You're hot." I blurt out, licking my top lip.

The guy smirks, pushing some of my hair behind my ear. "I could say the same about you," he says looking at my lips then back to my eyes.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" a cold voice says behind me. Terushima uses a hand to wrap around my throat and applies a little bit of pressure. "She is mine." with that he makes me face his chest.

His left arm snaked around my lower back, and his right arm secured my head a little too tightly to his body. "Whatever, she came onto me." What the hell is going on with him? "I'm not an object you know." I talk into his chest.

"No, but you're mine." he drops his hands for a quick second before his right-hand finds its place around my neck once more. His other hand grabs a handful of my hair, and he locks our lips together. Not giving me a chance to move away. He moves his lips against mine roughly.

Stomping on his left foot he backs up and hisses in pain. "Ha, yours? Please. You couldn't handle me even if you tried." Grinning, I flip my hair behind my shoulder and walk past him bumping our arms together. Who the hell does this guy think he is?

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