Chapter 19- Found

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Your pov
    No, I can't run. I have no money, nowhere to go. The police is looking for me. Us. Right as I'm about to close the door, the same guy walks by. "You. Do I know you from somewhere?" I accidentally blurt out. The guy looks me up and down. Eyeing me hard. "The name is Daishou and iIs this going to turn into a pick up line?"

    "What no? You just look like someone I know. I can't quite put my finger on it." I study his facial features. Probably creeping him out. "You're that chick that came to cheer on Nekoma, when we were playing them. You're annoying, you cheered so loudly it made my ears want to bleed."

    What a dick. "You're just jealous no one came to cheer you on asshole." I roll my eyes, clicking my tongue. He straightens his stance, making his frame tower over mine "I can't stand people like you- holy shit. You're that girl that's missing!"

    I shush him, grabbing onto his arm pulling him in. Locking the door, I turn around. "Could you say that any louder?" gosh, if word gets out I'm here, it's game over. "I'll call the police. Word is, is that some guy is on the run with you." Daishou, pulls out his phone.

    Panicking as he opens his phone, I do the only thing that comes to mind. I kick him in the balls as hard as I can. Daishou drops his phone, both of his hands going to his crotch. "I am so sorry! I panicked and so I did the only thing that seemed reasonable!"

    He drops to his knees, his upper body struggling to stay upright. "You're breathing hard, do you need water, or can I offer you a breath mint?" I ask, regret in my voice along with embarrassment. Chewing on my bottom lip, I crouch down to his level.

    "You're going to pay for that." he breathes out heavily and shakily. "W-what do you mean." oh no, I need to leave while I can. "I said I was sorry." he grins to himself, shaking his head. Every fiber in my body is telling me to run, but to my luck the pills are starting to kick in.

    My eyes start getting heavy, along with my body. Shit, I locked the door. Lunging backwards, I reach for the doorknob. Twisting the lock, I'm about to open the door until he grips both of my ankles. Yanking me down, my head slams into the floor.

    Groaning in pain, he pulls me by the ankles. My legs sitting on top of his thighs. "That hurt you asshole!" bringing my hands up to my head, I put pressure on it hoping to ease the pain. "This should be fun." my head lolls back as Daishou, gets uncomfortable close to my face.

    It's now, or never. "You're right, this should be fun." smirking, I clench my right hand tight. No hesitation, I punch him in the throat. He sits up, coughing. Daishou doesn't seem to be pleased.

    Taking this short time, I kick off of him. Halfway up, I open the door. Just as I'm about to leap up, and out door, Daishou jumps on my back. The door hits us, our bodies keeping it open. "Get off!" I yell, not even caring if anyone can hear me.

    "Shut up bitch!" he punches my right side, hard. Yelping in pain, he hits me again, and again. His punches are becoming uncoordinated. He's landing them all over my back, no mercy. Cries leave my lips, begging him to stop.

    Daishou takes a break to catch his breath, allowing me to do the same in the process. He slightly lifts himself off of me, only to roughly turn me over. My back laying on the ground. "I'm not done with you yet." he smiles.

    I can't take anymore. My body has reached its limit and those pills aren't helping either. My eyes start to close "HELP! RAPE!" I scream as loud as I could. It doesn't last long. Daishou, punches my cheek unbelievable hard. Shutting me up successfully.

    Right after that, he starts hitting my ribs. Pretty sure I heard one or two crack in the process. My consciousness starts to fade. All of my energy has left my body. My body jerking up a little every time he hits my stomach, blood starting to come out of my mouth. I'm going to die.

    This is how I die? Pathetic. I'm about to pass out until his weight is completely off of me. Someone is dragging me away. Finally, Terushima has come to my rescue.

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