VII- Pain

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🚨 Contains detailed gore, profanity. 🚨

    Lifting my head, Tendou still has the cuffs around his wrist, but he's allowed to move freely considering he broke the shackles apart.

    "Tendou! Run!" Terushima hurriedly gets up running at him. Tendou runs at him at the same time, punching his face with his right hand. Grabbing the back of Terushima's head he brings up his left knee.

     Tendou forces Terushima's down to his knee with a crunch. Terushima's nose broke, blood gushing out. That doesn't stop Tendou though. Ten keeps bringing his leg up, connecting Terushima's face with his knee.

    "Tendou, stop! He's already bleeding enough!" scrambling up, getting my clothes back on fast. "No! He deserves it!" Tendou yells letting him go. His body collapses to the floor, with no movement whatsoever. "We need to go. Now!" I pull on his forearm to keep him from possibly killing Terushima.

    Looking around the room, it's empty. Running towards the door, I twist the doorknob but to no avail. "Dammit!" "Move." stepping aside and back a little, Tendou starts to kick at the door nonstop. The doorknob flies off, the door opens some.

    "YES!" just as I'm about to run out a hand jerks my hair back. "Ah!" Tendou looks back. Terushima's left-hand cups the bottom of my mouth, as he places his right hand on top of my head. "Move, and I'll snap her neck. If I can't have her no one can."

    I can practically see the smug look on his face as he speaks. "No Ten. Go, get help!" he only looks at my face, and then at Terushima's. "You want to die?" his hands tighten their grip, making me wince. "I want Tendou to live." my eyes start to gloss over.

    Tendou looks down at the ground defeated. "I'll stay." "Don't you dare Tendou Satori! I'll kick your ass after this is over!" bringing my leg up, I kick Terushima's shin. Earning a groan from him, he lets me go and holds his knee up to his chest.

    Dashing to the door Tendou snatches my wrist in his hand dragging me along the hallway. It seems to be a house, but that's the least of our concerns. "The front door! There!" unfortunately to our luck the doorknob won't turn. "This can't be happening!"

    It all happened so quickly. The noise, and Tendou falling onto the floor letting out a scream holding his stomach. "Tendou!" kneeling to his side, his hands shake as he tries to stop the blood from leaking out of the bullet wound. "Run Y/n, now." he manages to get out between deep breaths.

    "Are you crazy? I can't leave you!" I prop him gently against the front door. He laughs a little, blood seeping out of his mouth, and dribbling down his chin. "Run." he weakly pushes me to the side. "Yeah Y/n, you should run. When I'm done with him, you'll get it worse."

    Cupping Ten's face gently in my palms, I try to smile for him one last time. "I'll see you soon, my paradise." I softly whisper to him, leaning my forehead on his. Upon hearing footsteps, I peck his forehead before getting up and running away. Leaving him to defend himself.

    Finding the kitchen rather quickly, I start to fling drawers open. Perfect a knife. Not caring about the noise, I start to run back to the door. Hiding before I get there. Only to wish I hadn't.

    Terushima has Tendou on his back as he straddles his stomach. Punches land on Ten's face not giving him time to breathe. Both of Terushima's hands are bloodily, obviously from Tendou's bloody face.

    Terushima stops punching him. He leans his head back, laughing like a maniac. "No one loves you. She was only using you and look where it got you!" he chuckles out. "You're a joke, no one will love how you look." no, that's not true. Tendou tries to speak but he starts to gurgle on his blood.

    "I'm going to do you a favor. So lay back and enjoy." Terushima reaches his hand around his back and pulls out a hidden knife from his belt. He flips the pocketknife open and starts to cut a line from the corner of Tendou's lips.

    He slightly curves up the cut to his hairline and does the same thing to the other side of his face. "There, just like the joker. You're a joke yourself. Now no one will ever really love you!" Terushima howls out almost doubling over in amusement.

    Tendou's pained expression as he tries to talk, soon slowly starts to fade until he stops moving. Eyes open staring at the ceiling. His tears stop running down his temples. Thinking that it's over Terushima forces his thumb, index finger, and ringer finger into his left eye socket.

    Gagging at the scene, and the noise it made I force myself to watch, seeing I'm the one to blame for his death. Terushima rips out his eye in one go. You can hear something snap. He inspects the eye, messing with Ten's optic nerve that's still connected to his eyeball.

    My stomach can't take it anymore, throwing up on the spot. Wiping my mouth once I'm done, I see Terushima messily dig Tendou's right eye out. He rips out his eye, slightly crushing it in the process. Blood runs down his arm, as he holds up the eyes in his right hand.

    Enough, stepping over my bile I make a b-line to Terushima. "GET OFF OF HIM! HE'S ALREADY DEAD!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He doesn't turn to look at me, but only stays in his spot. I tackle him, our bodies hitting the door, him taking most of the damage.

    Tears stream down my face, with no intention of stopping soon. Weakly hitting his chest, I cry out "Give him some space!" Terushima wraps his arms around my quivering form, rocking me side to side. "Shh, It's okay. I'm here." he strokes my hair, embracing me tighter.

    Tendou didn't deserve this. That. To die a painful death. I can't even recognize his face anymore. My sobs quiet down, before I know it, I blacked out in Terushima's arms from all the stress, and pain my heart carries now.

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