V- Party time

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🚨 Contains heavy drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and strong language 🚨

    "Alright Suna, play the music." Suna pulls out his phone and clicks on the playlist we made for small parties like these. Bokuto and Kuroo pull out the liquor from their backpacks and start passing them down the circle until we each have our bottle of whiskey to start with.

    Hanamaki and Matsukawa handed down joints for ourselves. "Alright therapy session has started. What's been happening lately Y/n?" Tendou asks lighting his joint before passing the lighter to Suna.

    "Well, this guy Terushima Yuji, volleyball player. How do I put this? We fucked at a party one time and ever since that he's been clingy, I guess?" unsure that clingy is the right word, I shrug my shoulders before popping off the cap to the bottle and downing the liquor not caring about the burning sensation in my throat.

Taking a hit off my joint, I inhale deeply letting the smoke sit in my lungs for a few seconds listening to the music play. "Clingy? You've dealt with clingy before, and it was never a problem." Tendou speaks up smirking a bit before talking again. "Maybe he's a stalker in disguise." he jokes, laughing.

Cringing at the thought, I exhale the smoke only to take another hit letting the guys get their opinions out. "Don't scare the kitty now boys. He could actually like you?" Kuroo suggests. "HEY HEY HEY! He's probably right!" highly doubtful.

"Y/n, either put your phone on silent or check that bloody thing. Your phone won't quit buzzing." Suna glares at me. Pulling my phone out of my pocket it lights up, and to my dismay, Suna and Matsukawa look over my shoulder. "Holy shit!" I pull my phone up to my chest. "Mattsun! Privacy for fucks sake!"

"Hey, no privacy when in therapy session." Suna snatches my phone from my grip passing it to Tendou, who's sitting on his left. "I told you he was a stalker!" Tendou grins tossing it Bokuto. "Well, Kuroo, he likes her." Bo, murmurs.

"Let me see!" Kuroo makes a face out of distaste before holding it out to Hanamaki. "I would block him, this isn't okay. Fuck he's calling!" "Toss it to me!" Tendou lights up holding out his hands to catch my phone. Hanamaki tosses it to Tendou who catches it with ease. Finally, my brain processes what's happening. "Dammit no, Tendou!"

"Restrain her!" Kuroo motions to Suna and Matsukawa. Suna wraps his arms over my arms, and body while intertwining his hands together. Matsukawa slaps his right hand over my mouth as he rests his left arm over my shoulder to keep me from thrashing around.

Tendou sets it on speaker smirking to himself. "Y/n, can't come to the phone right now. She's a little tied up."

"Who is this?"

"Mmm doesn't matter. Who is this?"

"Her boyfriend."

"Not possible. My paradise doesn't have one."

"Your paradise?"

"Yes. Anyways, quit calling. We're trying to have some fun."

With that, he ends the call, and the guys release me. "Tendou! What the hell!" "No Y/n, you what the hell! You're dating him?!" Bokuto asks. Disbelief was written across his face. Rolling my eyes I take another drink of the whiskey, forgetting Tendou has my phone.

One bottle of whiskey, three joints, a few shots of tequila, some cocaine lines in, and now onto heroin everyone is pretty much fucked up now. Suna's passed out on the couch cold. Bokuto and Kuroo, in the kitchen barely doing more shots, but this time of Vodka.

Hanamaki laughing his ass off while Matsukawa is doing something on Suna's phone. "Come here." Tendou motions me over with his hand. Seeing as I'm not the only busy I crawl over to him. I hug him from the back as he's digging in his duffel bag.

"What are you doing?" my question comes out muffled by his shirt. "Getting your favorite ready." gasping a little, my hands untangle from resting in his lap. Peeking over his shoulder, a giggle leaves my lips seeing the syringe suck in the liquified heroin off the spoon.

Crawling around him, I plant myself in front of him putting my foot into his lap. He adjusts the syringe in his dominant hand, before his other moves my toes apart slightly. Taking his time, he shoots up the heroin between my toes making me feel incredible.

Putting the syringe down, he grabs the other syringe handing it to me. Sitting down crisscross, Tendou backs up then placed his foot gently on my lap. Taking my time shooting it up, he groans. "You tease." laughing I hand him the syringe. Soon after getting rid of the syringes, I kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you Tendou!" "Here take these." he holds out his hands with a few pills sitting on his palm. Taking them off his hand I hug him. "You're the best! Oh! You can have the guest room seeing as everyone is dead out here." I tilt my head to the rest of the guys.

We both look to see Kuroo and Bokuto, passed out on the kitchen floor cuddled up. Hanamaki laying his head on Matsukawa's lap. Matsukawa has his right hand in Hanamaki hair, and his head leaning back on the couch.

"Goodnight, Ten," I say making my way to my bathroom, as he heads for the bedroom. Once I'm done going to the bathroom, I take the pills passing out not long after. Missing the piercing gaze coming from my closet as I lay unconscious.

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