Chapter 15- Pain

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🚨 Contains: Alcohol, and slight gore. 🚨

Your pov
I'm cold, uncomfortable. In pain? Why am I in pain? My eyes flicker open, unsure if they're actually working. Bringing my hands up to my face, I feel around. Sighing in relief when I feel my eyes still intact. My whole entire body feels heavy.

Why is it so dark in here? Fear bubbling in my chest. Hastily sitting up a pained scream leaves my lips. With shaky hands, I go to touch my stomach. Groaning out in a pain, my hands pull back immediately.

My body is in so much pain to even hear the footsteps stopping at the door. Let alone hear the door swing open. "Y/n? You're finally up!" Terushima happy calls out. Shutting my eyes tight, I bring my left hand up to help block out the new light shining in.

"You were out for a few day, I didn't think you would make it honestly. You lost so much blood! I tried my best stitching you up!" my chest heaves up and down. Memories filling my head like a hurricane. "No more! Stop please."

With that, he shuts the door. His footsteps fade away. A minute later he slams open the door. Clinking noises are heard, when he sets the items down. Flicking the light switch on, I can't help, but whimper. Slowly letting my eyes adjusting to the lighting.

He hums out grabbing the bottle of tequila? "You must be thirsty! Here." he stalks over to me, twisting the cap off. His left hand goes to support my jaw. Terushima let's the liquor pour down my throat a little bit at a time.

The burning sensation in my throat relieves the feeling of being parched. He smiles, taking the bottle away from me. "Well look at that you finished it all." he waves the now empty bottle in front of him.

"Time for the fun to start!" with that he grabs another bottle of tequila and sets it by his side. He grabs my thighs and forces my body closer to his. Clawing at his arms, a cry fills the room. The feeling small scrapes against my skin make my body feel on fire.

Straddling my upper thighs, Terushima rips off the remaining of my shirt. Taking both of my wrists, he holds them tightly in his left hand. A bruising grip on them. Using his right hand, he reaches for the bottle. He uses his thumb and index finer to unscrew the cap, and then he tosses the lid somewhere in the room.

"Now, let me hear those pretty screams of yours" he basically sings out. A sadistic grin covers his face, as he takes his time tipping the bottle over my stitches. Realization setting in "No, no, no! I'm sorry! For everything!"

Tequila hits my stomach. Spattering all over my body, I start thrashing around like crazy. Gut wrenching screams leave my mouth as he continues to pour it onto my poorly stitched up wound. "You don't mean that. You're not sorry. You just want me to stop this. You don't love me!" he cries out.

He stops pouring the bottle, stopping completely. At least I thought that, until he pours the bottle onto my face. Shutting my eyes extremely tight, and just in time too. My head twists, and turns trying not to breath in too much of it.

Once he emptied out the bottle on my face he tosses it across the room. Letting my hands go, he gets up and walks out the door closing it softly behind him. Coughing, trying to catch my breath, I wipe my eyes not daring to open them just yet.

The sound of the door squeaking catches my attention. My eyes still shut. "T-terushima?" my voice cracks. Flinching harshly at the sudden cold liquid running down my face. It stops, as I feel a fabric being pressed against my eyes.

"Open." he commands, but his tone has soften. Blinking a few times, I look at him curious to what he poured on my face now. He sighs, holding up a glass of water. "Thank you." I whisper out.

"Take off your bra." my face flushes at his bluntness. Complying seems easier, seeing as I have no energy to fight back anymore. Taking off my bra, I just look at the floor feeling empty.

"Lay on your back." laying down, I yelp feeling the wetness on my back. He straddles my hips this time, a faint smile on his lips. "Stay still, this is going to hurt."

He lifts a knife up, I failed to notice before. My heart drops seeing him concentrate. Terushima brings the knife up to the middle of my chest, right below my collarbone. Carefully but deeply, he starts digging the knife into my flesh.

My hands quickly grip this shirt, tightly. I bit my lip scrunching up my face, letting my eyes close. My mind wonders off to a higher time, and place. The beginning of my second year. Fun, happy, joyful times.

The excruciating pain stops. My face relaxes, hands falling to the side of my body. "I'm sure you want to see my finishing piece." he smiles. No. I really don't want to.

Pulling out his phone, he uses the flash to take a picture of my exposed self. Turning his phone around, he holds his phone to my face. He spelled his name out "Terushima Yuji" going all the way down the middle of my body.

Blood, risen to the top of the cuts. Overflowing, and running down the sides of my stomach. He cut deep enough so when the cuts healed his name would stick, but not deep enough to where I'd need stitches. "Now, repeat after me. I'm Terushima Yuji's, property. I need him."

"I'm Terushima Yuji's, property. I need him."

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