That Time Of Month

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It was the end of the day , Ricky was at his locker packing up his things. Suddenly Ricky felt two arms wrap around his waist. Ricky looked down at his waist , and smiled it was Nini's hands his girlfriend.

Ricky turned around smiling , with his girlfriend's arms still wrapped around him. Ricky's smile faded away when he saw the look that was on her face. She looked like she was in pain.

Ricky wrapped his arms around Nini's waist , and kissed her forehead. "Baby what's wrong?". Ricky asked concerned.

"As soon as class ended , I went to the bathroom , cause my stomach was bugging me. Then my time of month arrived". Nini said 

" I'm sorry baby". Ricky said holding her close to him , resting his chin on the top of her head.  

"What can I do to help babe?". Ricky asked.

"Can you please take me home , and then stay with me for a bit?". Nini asked as small tears were running down her face , looking at him.

Ricky wiped the tears off her face, kissed her and said " Of course babe let's go". Ricky said grabbing her backpack from her to carry, and taking her hand.

They get to the car , Ricky helped Nini get into the passenger's seat. Nini kissed his cheek ," Thanks baby". Nini said quietly.

Ricky just smiled and kissed her cheek. Then Ricky got into the driver's seat, and drove to Nini's house.

When they arrived Ricky pulled into the driveway , then got out and went to help Nini. She got out grabbed Ricky's hand tightly , and they went inside. 

Nini got her key out unlocked the door , and they walked in . "Mamma C , mamma D?". Nini called out. No answer , nobody was home. 

"Seems like , it's just us babe , let's go upstairs". Ricky said.

They go upstairs Nini going up slowly , Ricky following right behind her. They get to Nini's room, Ricky putting both their bags down.

"Babe I'm going to go to the bathroom then change. You have some clothes here if you want to change". Nini said.

"Thanks babe, you go change, I'll be right here waiting". Ricky said.

Nini went to change, while Ricky waited in her room . He got his extra clothes that he had at her house out of the dresser drawers , and then changed. 

A few minutes later Nini came back , wearing her PJ's . Ricky pulled her bed covers out. " Come on Neens go lay down". Ricky said

" But I want you to snuggle with me". Nini said.

"I'm going to get the water , advil , and the heating pad for you . Then I'll come snuggle with you". Ricky said.

" Okay". Nini said quietly as she laid in her bed.

Ricky brought the bed sheet , and the blanket all the way up to Nini. He wanted to make sure she was warm enough, he kissed her forehead . 

" I'll be back quickly babe , I promise" Ricky said. Nini just nodded her head.

Rickly went downstairs got a glass of water and advil. He rushed back upstairs to Nini's room , gave her the water and advil she sat up took the water and medicine , then laid back down. Ricky then went to the towel closet got the heating pad , came back to the room and plugged it right beside her bed. 

"Here baby ". Ricky said , he placed the heating pad on her stomach. He got into bed beside her wrapping her arms around her tightly.

Nini turned herself so that she was facing Ricky, she curled herself into him , wrapping her arms around his waist , and resting her head on his chest.

Ricky ran his fingers through her hair a bit , then rubbed her back a bit , and then her stomach. Nini closed her eyes tightly whenever the pain hit hard.

Ricky just held her tighter whenever he saw the pain bother her more . "Sleep baby ". " I'll be right here when you wake up". Ricky said.

"You promise?". Nini asked 

"Yes" Ricky said and kissed her

Nini gave Ricky a kiss , held tighter onto him and shut her eyes . Ricky rubbed her back, until she feel asleep . Ricky smiled when he heard her breathing even out. He just laid there and watched her sleep for about an hour  , until sleep took over him too.

About an hour and a half later Ricky woke up , Nini still sleeping. Ricky smiled and just held her until she woke up. 10 minutes later Nini was awake.

" Have a good nap Neens ?". Ricky asked stroking her hair.

"Yea , I feel a little bit better, but it still hurts". Nini said.

"How about I go get you something to eat?". Ricky asked.

" yes please". Nini said 

" I'll be right back". Ricky said.

Ricky went downstairs to the kitchen and heated up some soup for her , knowing it was her favorite when her stomach was in pain. Then got her a glass of fruit punch and went back upstairs.

" Here baby". Ricky said when he went back upstairs. Giving her the bowl of soup and the setting the glass of punch on the table. 

After Nini finished the soup and drank the punch , Ricky went downstairs and put the bowl and cup in the sink . He went back to Nini , got under the covers with her and just held her.

" Wanna watch a movie ?". Ricky asked.

Nini nodded. Ricky got up , set up her computer and sat right beside her. They both sat up and  rested against the headboard. Ricky sat the computer in between their laps.

"What do you wanna watch?". Nini asked as Ricky logged into Disney+.

"Your pick". Ricky said and kissed the side of her head.

"Tangled". Nini said . 

Ricky clicked Tangled , and it started playing . Nini held onto Ricky's arm and rested her head on his shoulder. 

" Thank you for everything Ricky". Nini said kissing his cheek. 

" Of course babe". " Anytime and anything for you". Ricky said grabbing her chin and kissing her lips .

They cuddled together and watched the movie.

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