Pregnant - Rini

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It was Saturday morning 9 am , and Ricky had just woken up. He woke up to see his beautiful wife Nini still asleep , her head  on his chest and her arms wrapped around his waist.

Ricky held Nini as close as he could and stroked her hair slowly. Nini began to stir slowly, and she opened her eyes looking at Ricky.

" Good morning baby". Ricky said smiling and kissing Nini on the lips.

" Good morning love". Nini said placing a kiss on Ricky's lips.

" What are your plans for today babe?". Ricky asked , stroking Nini's hair.

" Nothing". Nini said 

Ricky chuckled. " How about we go for a walk in the park ?". Ricky asked.

Nini smiled . " Sounds great". She said.

They got out of bed did their morning routine , got dressed , had breakfast , and then headed to the car to go to the park. It was only a 10 minute car ride from their house to the park.

Once they arrived, they got out of the car interlocking their finger , and then they began walking.

20 minutes into the walk. They were walking enjoying the view and each other's company , when all of a sudden Ricky let go of Nini's hand and he opened his arms towards her. Nini looked at him confused.

" Huggy". Ricky said like a child.

Nini laughed and hugged him . They pulled away 2 minutes later , and Ricky grabbed one of her hands using his free hand to stroke her cheek. Ricky was looking at Nini , and he started to worry a bit , Nini was looking a little pale.

" Nini baby , you feeling ok". Ricky asked looking at her in the eyes.

Nini smiled , " Yes baby , I'm fine".

" Are you sure?". Ricky asked 

" Ricky baby , I'm fine don't worry". Nini said.

"Ok". Ricky said not believing her.

Nini was worried about telling Ricky , but to be honest she wasn't feeling well at all. She had a bit of a headache , and felt like she was going to throw up.

A few day passed , and Nini was feeling worse . She felt weak , nauseous , dizzy , she was throwing up a bit , and her time of month was two days late. 

Whenever Ricky was around , she would be tough and act like nothing was wrong . When Ricky wasn't around she'd either be crying in pain or in the bathroom throwing up. She really didn't want him to worry.

Nini was in the bathroom throwing up , when it hit her.

" Could I be pregnant?". Nini asked herself.

" What do I tell Ricky?". She asked herself.

She started to stress out. " Ok Nini , breathe , breathe". She told herself. 

 She went into their bedroom and grabbed her phone. She immediately called Kourtney , her best friend.

N: " Hey Kourtney, can you please come pick me up?".

K: " Hey Neens sure , but what's wrong". 

N : " Emergency , I'll tell you in the car".

K: " Ok , I'll be there in 5".

They hang up 

Nini as quick as she could got ready , then she went outside to wait for Kourtney. Kourtney arrived 5 minutes later , pulling into the driveway . Nini opened the passenger door , and hopped in.

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