I'm Here For You - Rini

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Today was another rough start of the day for Ricky. His parents have been fighting again , it was constant in the Bowen household. Ricky would go to his room when his parents were fighting , or he would call Nini.

When Ricky would call Nini , Nini would come over to his house , or she would come over get him, and take him somewhere. 

Ricky texting Nini 

R : Morning cutie 

N : Moring baby 

N : I was actually just about to text you , wanna go out today ?

R : Babe I'd love to but ....

N : What's wrong bubs ?

R :  I didn't want to mention it , but parents are fighting again

N : I'm coming over 

R : I love you

N : Love you more 

R : I wait in the front yard 

Ricky went outside into the front yard , waiting for Nini to arrive. He sat in the grass.

10 minutes later

Ricky looked up to see Nini running towards him , he stood up. As soon as Nini reached him they hugged. Ricky hid his face into her neck , trying his best to calm down. Nini ran her finger through his curls , and rubbed his back.

" I'm right here Ricky , I'm here for you bubs". Nini whispered softly.

" I'm not going anywhere , I love you baby". Nini whispered , again.

Ricky nodded with his head hidden in her neck, he placed a kiss onto her neck.

They stayed in each others arms for a few more minutes , then Ricky slowly pulled back. 

Nini looks at Ricky seeing the small tears running down his face , her heart breaks at the sight. She leans up a little, wiping his tears away with her thumbs. She grabs his hands. 

" I love you". Ricky said.

" I love you more". Nini said.

" What do you want to do babe ?". Nini asked.

" Can we go for a walk ?". Ricky asked.

" Of course". Nini said , smiling.

They began walking in the neighborhood holding hands tightly. A bit into their walk , they reached the park.

" There's a bench over there ,  wanna sit ?".  Nini asked , pointing to the bench.

Ricky didn't say anything , he just nodded. They sat down , still holding hands tightly. Ricky placed a kiss on Nini's cheek.

" Thanks for being here for me Neens". Ricky said.

" I'll always be her for you". Nini said , resting her head on Ricky's shoulder.

Ricky rested his head on top of Ricky's.

" I'm done , I 'm just done with everything". Ricky said , angry and upset.

Nini lifted her head to look Ricky in the eyes. They both turned towards each other a bit while sitting. Nini held his face in her hands.

" What's going through your head right now Ricky ?". Nini asked. 

" Why is it like this ? , why are they like this ? , why can't they just get along ? Is it my my fault ? I'm so tired of them fighting". Ricky shouted, then covering his face with his hands.

Nini could feel the tears building in her eyes, but she tired everything within her to hold the tears back for Ricky's sake.

" Hey , hey , look at me". Nini said softly.

Ricky removed his hands from his face , and looked at her.

" Baby I know this is hard for you , I know it's a lot to deal with. It can be so overwhelming , but you are so strong , so strong baby. You are not alone , not alone at all. I'm here for you , I'm not going anywhere, I'm here every step of the way". Nini said.

" I know you wish there's something you could do to stop them , but there is nothing that can be done baby , they can't be forced to make up. 

Ricky had tears running down his face again , he nodded.

" Remember I'm here for you". Nini said. 

They both leaned in and kissed.

" Thank you Nini , I love you so so much". Ricky said , giving her another kissed.

" I love you way more , you don't ever have to thank me Ricky". Nini said , running her fingers through his hair.

" Why don't we go on the swings on the playground ?". Nini suggested.

" Race ya". Ricky said , slightly smiling. 

They run to the swings , both of them winning the race. They got on , and began swinging. While they we're swinging they reached for each other's hands. The entire time they held hands , both not really wanting to let go.

Ricky tried his best to block out everything in his mined that was going on with his parents , and just enjoy his time with Nini. 

" Hey Neens". Ricky said.

" Yea babe?".

" I love you". Ricky said smiling. 

" I love you too".

Ricky knew that no matter what happened , he always had Nini by his side.

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