Olivia's Moving ? Part 2 - (Jolivia)

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Olivia was in her bedroom laying on her bed , talking on the phone with Dara. 

Olivia and Dara's Conversation : 

O: Dara I don't know what to do , I should tell him huh?

D: Olivia sis , he's your boyfriend. I know you don't want to tell him because its hard , but you need to

O:  I should probably tell him now , he's been worried since the breakdown I had this morning.

D: Yes ma'am you should tell him now. Hang up with me and tell him , just remember to breathe.

O: Ok , I'll talk to you later

They hang up

Olivia took a few deep breathes , " Ok Olivia just breathe , and tell him". She said to herself dialing his number.

As soon as he picked up , " Baby are you ok?, please tell me what's going on with you today , I'm worried about you love". Josh said.

" Joshy I need to tell you something". Olivia said quietly

" What is it babe?". He said softly.

" Josh I'm moving to Seattle , because of my dad's job". Olivia said trying to hold back the tears.

Josh was wishing that he heard her wrong , but he knew she'd never be joking about something like this.

" What?". Josh said as tears began to form in his eyes.

" Josh Babe , I'm so sorry . I just found out last night". Olivia said crying into the phone

Josh now had tears rolling down his face too , " Does anyone else know ?". He asked.

" Just you and Dara". Olivia said.

" Baby , I really don't want you to go". Josh said sadly 

" Baby I really don't want to go either , you have no idea". Olivia sniffling.

" Joshy?". Olivia asked after a few minutes of silence , now having calmed down a bit.

" Yes babe". Josh said , trying his best to be strong for Olivia's sake.

" Do you hate me ?". She asked quietly.

" Baby no I can never hate you, I just hate the pain that's happening for both of us right now. I love you forever Livy". Josh said.

" I love you forever too Joshy". Olivia said crying again.

" Baby you had a rough day, go get some sleep and I'll come and see you tomorrow ok?". Josh said.

" Ok Joshy, I love you". Olivia said softly.

" Goodnight my Livy, I love you more".

They both hang up after a rough day , and try their best to get some rest.

The next day . 

It was Saturday morning , and Josh was outside in front of Olivia's house at 11:00 am .

Josh knocked on the door . 

Olivia opened the door , in her PJ's . Josh smiled knowing that she probably just woke up. Olivia immediately wrapped her arms around his waist , and rested her head on his chest.

" Moring babe". Josh said placing a kiss on her forehead.

" Moring". Olivia said softly , holding onto him tighter.

They walked inside into the living room and sit on the couch cuddling with each other. 

" Two questions baby , 1 when exactly do you move , and 2 how about we just sit here together and watch movies today?". Josh asked. 

" 1 as far as I know three weeks from now , and 2 absolutely". Olivia responded.

" I'm going to spend every second with you". Josh said.

Olivia smiled and said " Good cause I plan on spending every second with you too".

They lean in and kiss passionately.  

When they pulled away Josh was still holding her tightly , and Olivia was resting her head on his chest. Josh was rubbing her back slowly when all of a sudden , Olivia lifted her head off his just and looked at him straight in the eyes.

" Baby you'll come and visit me right?". Olivia asked quietly. 

Josh kissed her forehead and said , " Baby of course I will , we'll get through this together. I'll come and visit you and you'll come visit me". Josh said shedding a few tears , after all the tears he was holding back again for Olivia.

" Livy this is going to be hard for both of us , but we'll get through this together. I know we can do this our love is stronger than ever , and we can make this work we have to be strong together". Josh said running his fingers through her hair.

Olivia nodded and held onto him tight . " I love you Josh". She said.

Josh put his hand under her chin , and lifted her chin up. " I love you so much more". He said.

They didn't talk about the move for the rest of the day , they just sat wrapped in each other's arms enjoying each other's company watching movies .

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