The Proposal-Rini (Part 2)

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So while Nini and Kourtney were out shopping, Ricky had called over Carlos, Seb, EJ, and Big Red over to watch football.

The football game had just ended, and they were all just sitting talking.

" So guys, I wanna tell you something important". Ricky said. 

"Yes". They all said.

" I want to take my relationship with Nini to the next level. " I want to propose to her". Ricky said.

All the boys supported Ricky's decision , and were happy for him.

"That's great man". EJ said smiling . 

" Y'all are so cute". Carlos and Seb said.

" That's amazing man." You really ready for it?". Big Red asked .

"  I love Nini so much. I love her with my entire heart. She was one of my first best friends, my first crush, my first girlfriend, my first love. I definitely want to spend the rest of my life with her". Ricky said.

 " That's great dude". Big Red said.

After about 45 minutes later , the boys all left. Ricky was cleaning up, he was doing the dishes. When he was washing the dishes he heard the door open.

" Baby I'm home". Nini called out. She walked in closing the door , and hung up her coat and purse in the closet. It was 4:15 , Ricky and Nini had to leave by 6:45.

Ricky walked over to her pulled her into a big hug, and then kissed her.

" Hey babe, did you have fun?". Ricky asked.

" Yes". Did you ? Nini asked. 

" Yes , but I missed you". Ricky said.

" I missed you too". Nini said , giving him another hug. 

" So babe , we have exactly 2 hours before we need to leave". Ricky said 

" Ok babe , I'm gonna go shower". Nini said. 

Nini headed upstairs to go shower , while Ricky went upstairs to decide what he wanted to wear before showering after Nini. Ricky had decided to wear black dress pants , a white button up ,  a light purple tie, and a black tux. He went to his bedside dresser while Nini was still in the shower and grabbed the engagement ring that was in a red velvet box. He then went and put it in one of the pockets of the tux. 

He placed the outfit on their bed , and then Nini came out wearing a top and sweats with a towel wrapped around on her head. Nini came up to Ricky and hugged him . Ricky kissed her cheek , then he headed for his turn to shower. Now it was Nini's turn to decided what to wear.

Nini decided to wear a strapless dark pink dress , black high heels, and she grabbed a black purse. Then she headed to the bathroom to do her hair and makeup. Ricky got out of the shower and then head to their bedroom to get ready. 

Ricky got ready a bit quicker than Nini . He dried up , fixed his hair , and then went to go get dressed . After he went downstairs to wait for Nini. Nini decided to put her hair in a high ponytail, and her makeup light . She put her heels on grabbed her purse and black coat , and then went downstairs.

Ricky was on his phone when he heard footsteps coming downstairs . He lifted his head up and saw his beautiful girlfriend . Nini smiled when she came downstairs and saw Ricky . Ricky kissed her temple and said " Absolutely beautiful baby". 

They headed for the car . Ricky opened the passenger for Nini , she smiled and she sat in . Then Ricky went to the driver's side . The car ride was about 20 minutes , the entire time Nini kept trying to get Ricky to tell her were they we're going. Ricky didn't given in at all.

They arrived at one of their favorite restaurants, The Yellow Leaf . It was a restaurant that they mostly went to on special occasions. Nini was surprised when Ricky pulled into the The Yellow Leaf's parking lot. She tried to think of what the occasion could be that Ricky brought her here for . Then she thought , maybe he was just being sweet and brought her since they didn't go often.

Ricky and Nini both got out of the car , Ricky going over to the passenger's side to help Nini. He helped her out , grabbed her hand holding it tightly. As soon as they walked in a hostess walked towards them.

" Hello welcome to The Yellow Leaf. Table for two?". The hostess asked.

" Hi we have a reservation under Bowen". Ricky said 

The hostess looked at the list and smiled grabbing 2 menus . " Ahh yes Bowen , right this way please".

The hostess lead them to their table on the outside patio. Nini's jaw dropped as she saw how the table was set up . There was pink petals all around the table and all around the bottom of the table . There was a candle lit on the table , and a beautiful view of the beach in front of them . 

Nini hugged Ricky. " What's this for ?". Nini asked trying her best to hold back tears.

" Just because". Ricky said kissing her cheek.

" I love this , and you so much". Nini said.

" I love you more". Ricky said.

They sit down , and the hostess places the menus in front of them . 

They hold hands while they both look at the menu deciding what they wanted to get.

A waitress comes to their table to take their order. 

" Hello what can I get for you?". The waitress asked.

"Can I get white whine to drink please and the salmon with side salad for dinner?". Nini said. 

" Make that two please". Said Ricky.

" Of course". Smiled the waitress , walking away after.

Ricky grabbed one of Nini's hands , bringing it up to his lips and pressing a sweet kiss to her hand. 

" Love you". Nini said smiling.

The Waitress returns with their dinner , placing everything in front of them. Ricky and Nini enjoyed their dinner , just spending time with each other, and still little kisses every now and then. 

After they finished their dinner , the waitress came and took their plates . She asked them if they wanted dessert , they both said no. She went and came back afterwards with the bill.

Ricky payed and then stood up grabbing Nini's hand . As they made way towards the exit , Ricky said " Nini how about we go for a walk by the beach?". 

" I'd like that ". Nini said smiling. Holding onto Ricky's arm tightly.

I'm sorry loves part 3 coming soon

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