Get Some Rest Nini-Rini

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It was Friday evening , Nini had just finished  dinner with her mom's and was back in her room studying for a important math test that she had in exactly one week. Nini had been studying so much, but she was taking very little breaks. She was so tired that it was getting hard for her to focus.

Ricky had called Nini a few times , and he had texted her too but she didn't answer. Ricky was starting to worry , because he knew about Nini's test, and he was worried that she was overdoing it a bit.

Ricky had decided to text Nini's mom Carol to see what was going on. Ricky had always felt close with Nini's moms , and they have always treated him like their son.

Ricky texting Carol :

Hi Carol , 

How are you?

I'm sorry to bother you , but I'm worried about Nini. I haven't talked to her since I've dropped her off at home. I've called and texted her but no answer.

Little did Ricky know , just at that very moment Carol had her phone in her hands and saw Ricky's message. She smiled as she showed the text to Dana who was sitting right beside her. They both smiled at the love and concern that the young boy had for their daughter.

Next little bit is the texting conversation between Ricky and Carol :


Hi Ricky,

I'm good sweetheart thank -you. Don't worry dear you are no bother at all. She's been upstairs studying non-stop since she's gotten home. She quickly went upstairs freshened up, came downstairs for a quick snack , and then went upstairs to study. She studied for about three hours, then she came back downstairs for dinner , and rushed back to her room to continue studying. Dana and I are worried too , she hasn't gotten much rest. We've tried to talk to her , and get her to take a break and rest but she isn't listening.


I'm glad she's okay at least. She has been studying way too much for this test. I really don't want her to over do it . I've tried talking to her too, she needs some rest. Maybe if it's okay I can come over and talk to her , and try to get her to get some rest?


Sweetheart that's totally fine, you know that your always welcome here. I think you might have some luck trying to get her to get some rest.


Thank - you so much Carol , I'll be there in 10 minutes


See you soon :)

10 Minutes Later 

Ricky just arrived at the Salazar - Roberts 's house , he knocked the door and both Carol and Dana opened the door. Ricky took off his shoes , gave both the ladies a hug and went upstairs to Nini.

Ricky slowly opened the door to Nini's room , he quietly walked in and closed the door afterwards. He looked over at Nini, who was studying hard at her desk. He could see how hard she was trying to keep her eyes open. Nini was so focused , that she didn't even realize that Ricky walked in.

Ricky slowly walked up behind Nini , and slowly wrapped his arms around her from behind he kissed her the top of her head. "Hey baby". Ricky said softly.

Nini slightly jumped up from her chair, "Oh hey bubs". Nini said sitting down . Bubs , was one of Nini's nicknames for Ricky.

Ricky frowned he wasn't expecting her to respond that way. He could see the stress written all over her face, and all he wanted was for her to rest.

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