Olivia's Dream - Jolivia

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It was late at night , 1 am . Joshua and Olivia were fast asleep snuggled in bed. Joshua woke up because he had to go to the bathroom. He slowly untangled his arms from Olivia's waist carefully so she wouldn't wake up then he got up and went.

Olivia slowly started to move once Joshua got up , not realizing yet that Joshua had gotten up. She was tossing and turning , she reached her arms out to Joshua's part of the bed . Her eyes were still shut when she realized that he wasn't there. She woke up and quickly sat up , her face was red and she had tears streaming down her face. "Josh, Joshy ?" she slightly whispered.

Joshua immediately opened the bathroom door once he heard Olivia crying and calling out for him. He rushed to her side of the bed , scooped her up in his arms and started rocking her back and forth.

"Shh, shh ,shh, baby relax, shh, breathe baby". Joshua said calmly. Olivia tried her very best to calm down , but she couldn't. He carefully while still holding onto Olivia, changed her position in his arms. He put her head in the crook of his neck and slowly rubbed her back.

5 minutes passed , and Olivia calmed down a little bit. She was still crying but softly. " Baby , relax I've got you". Joshua whispered. " Don't let go". Olivia whispered. Joshua shook his head , "Not planning on it cutie". he said.

Minutes passed , and they were still in that same position Olivia had calmed down. Joshua was still rubbing her back until Olivia brought her head up and looked at Josh. "Joshy , I'm sorry". Olivia said quietly and placed her hands in her lap. Joshua placed both his hands under her chin , and lifted her chin up so that she could look at him straight in the eyes.

" Hey baby , look at me, look at me Livy". Joshua said . Olivia slowly made eye contact with Joshua , waiting to see what he was about to say. " What are you so for love?". Joshua asked , as his hands were still under her chin and he was still looking at her." For not letting you go back to sleep after using the bathroom , for making you have to stay up with me". Olivia was about to continue when Joshua cut her off by crashing his lips into hers , Olivia just kissed back. Seconds later they pulled away still not taking their eyes away from each other.

"Livy , stop I don't care that I didn't go back to sleep, I care about you , making sure that your ok, making sure that you know your safe and making sure that you know I love you". Olivia fixed her position in Joshua's arms , she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. " I love you Joshy". Olivia said softly. Joshua smiled and planted a soft kiss at the top of her head. "I love you more baby". Joshua said.

Now that Olivia was more relaxed , Joshua thought he would see if he could get her to talk about her bad dream. " Hey babe". Joshua said softly, Olivia looked up slowly and looked into his eyes. " Do you want to talk about your bad dream?". Joshua asked softly. Olivia buried her head into his chest and shook her head no . " No , no , please no". Olivia muffled. " Shh , shh, ok that's fine love , your ok". Joshua said as he began to rub Olivia's back again. Olivia started to shake softly, Joshua wrapped his arms around her , making sure she knew that she was ok and that he wasn't going anywhere.

Joshua was really worried he thought the more she kept this in , the more it was going to bother her. But he didn't want to push her, he knew that when she was ready she'd talk. By Joshua's side of the bed , on his nightstand there was a glass of water while still holding onto Olivia with one hand he grabbed the cup and brought it up to her mouth. " Baby please drink a little bit of water?". Joshua asked her. Olivia softly smiled and accepted the glass. She slowly took a few sips then , she gave the glass back to Joshua. Joshua smiled , and kissed her cheek.

Minutes passed and Olivia got out of Joshua's arms and sat in front of him on their bed . She grabbed his hands and they both look straight at each other . " Joshy , I'm ready to talk about my bad dream". Olivia said softly. Joshua ran his fingers through her hair " Baby are you sure ? , I don't want you to feel like your being forced". Joshua said. Olivia nodded , she wanted to talk about it . Joshua pulled her back into his arms , and she began explaining.

"Yesterday , when we were at the Ice Cream Parlor , and I was sitting waiting for you to finish ordering behind the table there was a couple sitting there. I overheard them talking, and the girl was asking the guy "What would you do if I ever left ?, what would you do if we ever broke up?". The guy started answering , but I stopped listening. The girl's questions made me think the entire time , while I was eating my ice cream cone. " What would happen to us if we ever broke - up? or if we ever went our separate ways?. Olivia said as tears started rolling down her face. Joshua's heart broke at the sight of his love crying.

" I kept thinking , thinking , and thinking about it up until we got home". Olivia said. " I think I thought about it so much that I let it get to me in my sleep". Olivia said slightly embarrassed. Joshua's heart broke, he hated seeing his love so upset. He pushed her back a little bit , still holding onto her . He lifted her chin up with one hand, the other hand still holding onto her , and kissed her softly. Olivia kissed back , not wanting to pull away. Joshua pulled away first , and they were both looking straight into each other's eyes.

" Baby , I don't want you to ever think about that, I don't what it to be something that's going to make you completely stressed out". Joshua continued . " If the thoughts ever come back to you , I don't want you to keep it in , I want you to talk to me about it". Joshua said. Olivia had small tears rolling down her face while Joshua was talking , Joshua kissed her tears away and continued talking. " Just know baby , that will never ever be something that you have to worry about or something that will ever happen in our lives". Joshua said. " I love you more then you ever know Olivia , and I don't want to be apart from you ever". " You are mine forever love forever". Joshua said . Olivia smiled through her tears , she place her hands on Joshua's cheeks and kissed him .

"Joshy , thank - you , I love you sooo , sooo much. I'm sorry again , the next time this happens I promise I'll tell you right away". Olivia said. Joshua kissed her cheek , and looked over to see the time. It was now 3:30 am, and he knew it was best that they went to sleep now. " Baby , are you ready to go to sleep now ?". Joshua asked her. Olivia nodded slowly, Joshua began to lay down he slowly grabbed Olivia, and pulled her so that she was laying on him with her head on his chest. He kissed the top of her head and said " Goodnight baby , I'm right here, and I love you forever". Olivia kissed his neck and said " Thank - you Joshy, I love you forever". That was the last thing that Olivia said before she fell asleep . Joshua looked at his love , his everything and kissed her one last time before closing his eyes and falling asleep. 

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