Ricky's Dream - Rini

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A/N : Kinda Panic attack warning 

It was the beginning of the school week. It was free period, and Ricky was looking for Nini. Today Ricky and Nini had planned to spend free period alone together.

They planned to meet at Nini's locker. Ricky was there waiting for Nini, she was a bit late. She didn't call or text Ricky, and Ricky didn't call or text her.

Ricky didn't know if he should stay waiting by her locker, or should he go and look for her.

Ricky saw Ashlyn walking down the hallway, and he decided to ask her if she has seen Nini anywhere.

" Hey, Ash". Ricky said, smiling.

" Hey, Ricky". Ashlyn said, smiling back.

" I was wondering, have you seen Nini anywhere ?. Ricky asked Ashlyn.

" I was actually with her 5 minutes ago. She said she needed to go to the drama room before she meets up with you". Ashlyn explained.

" Oh ok, thanks I'll see you later". Ricky said.

" No problem, see you later". Ashlyn said.

They went their separate ways.

Ricky decided to go to the drama room, and look for Nini. He walked in , and saw that no one was there. He decided to check the makeup room.

He walked into the makeup room, and his jaw dropped. He saw his worst nightmare right in front of him. He saw Nini making out with EJ. His girlfriend, and her ex-boyfriend. Nini was sitting on the countertop, and EJ was standing in front of her. 

"Ni..Ni...Nini ?". Ricky said as tears started building up in his eyes.

Nini and EJ pulled away, both looking at Ricky annoyed.

" What do you want Richard, can't you see I'm busy ?". Nini said, pulling EJ's face-up back to her's and kissing him again.

" Why are you cheating on me, with your ex-boyfriend ?". Ricky asked as tears were running down his face.

" We were supposed to spend free period together today, and I find you making out with your ex ?". Ricky said.

" Oh hun hate to break it to you, your the ex now. I used you, I went out with you to get EJ back". Nini explained.

" What ?". Ricky shouted.

" It took you months to tell me you love me. I told you as soon as I knew. How do you think I felt, waiting for you to tell me you love me ?. When I told EJ, he told me right after. Also Ricky you have issues. You have communication and commitment issues". Nini said.

Ricky came to speak, but EJ cut him off.

" I don't know what else you want here Bowen, but if you don't mind my girl and I are out of here". EJ said, helping Nini down. 

EJ grabbed Nini"s hand, and they walked out of the room.

Ricky broke down crying on the floor, thinking about what had just happened.

" Nini, Nini". Ricky shouted.

The next thing Ricky knew, he was sitting up sweating and breathing heavily. It was all just a dream, a dream that felt so real.

It took him a minute to realize where he was. He looked around and realized where he was. He was at Nini's house, laying with Nini in her bed.

Nini was asleep, all Ricky did was pull her into his arms, and held her close. He hid his face in her neck and started crying.

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