Waking Up Confused

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The next morning I woke up facing the wall and someone’s arm was wrapped around my waist and they were breathing down my neck. I turned over to see Aiden sleeping right next to me. Why do these boys think they can just sleep with me? Not like that!! I mean legit sleep, but still. I looked over and didn’t see anyone else in the room. I got up leaving Aiden to sleep. I grabbed my phone off the charger and had a text from Jenna.

We are all downstairs eating breakfast! When you wake up come join us!? :* ~J

I went to the bathroom, washed my face, brushed my teeth, redid my bun and then searched through my suitcase. I settled on a short jean skirt, with a white flowy tank top. I slipped on my bikini underneath it incase me and Jenna decided on going to the beach later on.

I made sure to leave Aiden a note telling him we were eating breakfast downstairs. I grabbed my room key, and phone and made me way downstairs. I walked into the little breakfast bar area. I filled up my plate with a toasted bagel with cream cheese, a vanilla yogurt, and some strawberries.

I saw Jenna and the other guys sitting down so I went to go join them. I sat down in between Max and Jenna.

“Morning” I smiled at Jenna.

“Morning! How’d you sleep?”

“Well, I guess I slept alright, but these boys don’t understand that we are not dating and I don’t want to wake up snuggled up against some random guy.” I said aloud giving Max a glare.

“Well good morning to you too beautiful!” he smirked playfully.

I ignored him and ate my breakfast.

“So what are we doing today?” Jackson asked.

“I was hoping we could go to the beach?” Jenna asked.

“Umm, Jenna? We are supposed to hangout me and you for the rest of the weekend.” I pouted.

“Yeah, but we see each other every day at home, so I thought we could hang out with the guys till we leave?” she asked.

“Can we talk in private? Over there?” I motioned to a deserted corner. Most people in here were adults looking at the newspaper, probably on business trips.


We walked over there. “Jenna! Are you okay? I thought we were supposed to hangout just me and you today?”

“Yeah I know, but I really like Jackson, and I think he likes me too!”

“J, you have known him for one day!”

“Yeah so? You’ve known Max for one day and you two clearly like each other!”

“What?!! I do NOT like Max!” I stated. Simple as that.

“Please, you two slept in the same bed!”

“I told you that I didn’t want to but someone moved me!”

“Yeah, but then you woke up and still slept in the same bed after.”

“Really? Then when did Aiden join me and Max in bed?”

“I didn’t know he did?”

“Yeah! When I woke up he was all up on me.”

She just laughed at me. “He probably thinks you like him cause of that kiss.”

“What kiss?”

“The one you two shared when we played spin the bottle?”

“Oh! I forgot about that. Either way I don’t like Aiden.”

“But you like Max!”




“Okay, well you can deny it all you want, but he clearly likes you.”

“Maybe if he weren’t such a conceited jerk I would consider giving him a chance, but even still he is in a band. They are always on tour and you know how I feel about long distance relationships.”

“Soo? We can’t even be friends with them?”

“I guess friends wouldn’t hurt, but when we get home tomorrow we are going to spend some girl time together!”

“DEAL!!” she squealed.

We turned to walk back to the table and stopped when we saw 3 girls sitting in our spots talking to the guys. A small part of me got jealous, but there was no point in getting jealous, I didn’t like Max. Even if I did, nothing could happen. So I just brushed it off.

We walked back over to the table and pulled up 2 new seats on the opposite end and just watched. The girls were so obviously trying to flirt with them and I just sat back and watched. It was pretty funny how desperate they seemed. Although who am I to judge them. The guys didn’t really notice us sit down. After a while of watching we left them to deal with their problems and went back upstairs.

I walked over to sit on the bed, I played a few rounds of doodle jump and angry birds before Jenna was ready. Yes, I still play Doodle Jump, and Angry Birds. I’m weird. She was humming in the bathroom probably doing her makeup, which I just didn’t feel like applying any today. I felt the bed move when Aiden woke up.

“Oh, hey Katrina!” he smiled sleepily.


He got up and came over to me so he was towering over me. After a minute of silence I was getting confused.

“Can I help you?”

“What? No good morning kiss?”

“Um why would I give you a good morning kiss?”

“I think the kiss we shared last night was pretty special. Don’t you think?” he smirked.

“No? I hope you don’t because no offense, but I do not feel that way about you!”

“Hey hey hey, chill! I was just joking, we are just friends. Nothing more. You are all Max’s!”

“No I am not! Why does everyone think he likes me?”

“Cause he does.”

“We have known each other for one day.”

“A lot can happen in one day”

That was a very true fact, but not him liking me. I don’t think that’s possible.

Then the door opened and Jenna came out. “It’s about time!” I said getting up and pushing Aiden back.

“Yeah well, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!”

“Okay, well ready?”

“Yup!!” she smiled.

“Where are you guys going?” Aiden questioned.

“Well we were going to go to the beach with you guys, but your buddies down stairs are a little too busy flirting with the 3 fake Barbie dolls.” Jenna said.

“Ohh, don’t worry, I’ll get them! Just give me like 10 minutes and I’ll meet you guys down there!”

“Okay?” Me and Jenna said confused, and then we left Aiden to get ready.

We walked downstairs and back into the room. Jackson was gone from the table and I saw the girl who was flirting with him had moved to some other table. But as for Max and Seth, they were a little busy making out with the fake Barbie’s to notice me and Jenna.

“Do you wanna just go? I have Jacksons number, so if they want to meet up with us later they can?” Jenna asked softly.

“Yea” I whispered. I have to admit, maybe I had a small crush on Max, and I was jealous of the Barbie doll over there, but I just kept reminding myself what type of guy he is.

Me and Jenna left the hotel with that. So much for him liking me.

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