Be Straight Up

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It has been a week since me and Max last talked. We have had 2 concerts which means I have seen Brett twice. He has asked me to hangout a few times, but I get nervous and make an excuse. I keep thinking he likes me. I mean why else would he have kissed my cheek when he dropped me off. Well, maybe he got caught up in the moment, maybe it was just a nice gesture and he still thinks of you as only a friend. My mind loves to tell me the opposite of whatever I seem to believe.

I haven't asked Jenna about it yet, so I haven't gotten her input. I was still mad at Max. I tried to apologize and he never gave me one in return. I still don't know why he was acting so cold towards me, but he was.

"Jenna?" I asked sitting next to her outside of the studio where the guys were rehearsing.

"Hmm?" she replied flipping through a magazine.

"Do you think Brett likes me?"

She instantly shut her magazine and turned towards me. She had a giant smile spread across her face "Did he make a move?"

"Uh, well I mean, you remember last week when he took me out for the day?" She nodded eagerly "Well when he dropped me off he kissed me on the cheek, and I have been telling myself he does, but I don't want to like him. We are just supposed to be friends."

"Yeah, I know what you mean. But you should just be straight up about it and ask him. What harm could come from it."

"But J, I don't want to lose him as a friend. What if he does like me? I don't like him like that, it would just make things awkward."

"There's only one way to tell." She said going back to flip through her magazine.

I threw my hands up in the air and sighed collapsing in my seat. She was giving me advice that a mother would give a daughter. It was useless. Maybe she's right. I hate my mind. You love me.

I pondered on the idea, while the guys continued to rehearse. I decided I would go through with it and ask him at the next concert which was two days from now. I still wanted to make things right with Max, but I didn't want to have to talk first. It was his fault. He is the reason we are in a fight.

The guys came out and decided we should go do something fun. They wanted to go to the beach. We were now in Louisiana, and we weren't too far from the coast. We went back to the bus and got ready and then we had to use 2 cars to get everybody there. Jenna and Jackson went in their own car while I went with Max, Seth, and Aiden.

Seth was driving, and Aiden called shotgun, so I was stuck I the back with Max. I looked out the window and put in my headphones. I didn't want to talk to him right now, and Seth and Aiden were having their own conversation.

When we pulled up to the beach I took out my headphones and hopped out happy to finally be free from that awkward car ride. I went to the back and got my bag out. I went up and linked arms with Jenna before skipping over to a secluded area. I didn't want to be hounded my teenage girls that wanted autographs.

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