Stops, Surfboards, and a Certain Shirtless Someone

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“Stop changing it.” Max slapped my hand away. I was getting bored of his rock music and I wanted some pop.

After we snuck out of the stadium we found his car parked out back and started the half hour journey to the hotel.

“You know what…I got an idea.” He said taking out a CD and putting it in. He turned up the volume all the way and it was his very own, Follow Me music blaring through the speakers.

I immediately reached for the volume control and turned it down. I hit the FM-AM button.

“Hey what’s that for?” he pouted.

“I would rather listen to your rock music than that.”

“Wow, most fans would like to listen to my music with me.” He said faking being hurt.

“There’s one flaw in your theory.”

“Oh? And what is that?”

“Not everyone is your fan.”

“I know, but you were at the conce—“

“I know, I was at the concert. But I am not your fan. In fact, I would rather be home right now. I didn’t want to come to your stupid concert to being with.” I huffed crossing my arms and looking out the window at the cars passing by.

“Do you really hate us?” he asked sounding hurt.

“I don’t hate your music, just you.” I blurted out. “Sorry, that sounded meaner than I meant it to.”

“Why would you hate me? You don’t even know me.”

“Hmm. Take a quick quiz?” I asked.

“Um, sure? I don’t see what this has to do with—“

“Just shut up and answer my questions.” I pulled out my phone going to my notepad to jot down his answers.

“1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how attractive do you think you are?” I tried not to laugh as I asked this.

“Hmm…that’s difficult. I think I break that scale.” He smirked.

“2. How often to you actually smile?”


“3. How many girls do you think are fawning over you?”

“All of them…well except you I guess.” He winked.

“Ok.” I was done, that was all I needed to prove I knew him exactly.

“So? What are my results?”

“I knew you before when you thought I didn’t.” I smiled.

“Oh really?”

“You are that guy that thinks he is so attractive that any girl will fall for you, and you are conceited and arrogant. You never smile for real, you just smirk. You could never be in a serious relationship because you don’t believe in love. You think that because you are in a band, it makes you better than everyone, and because you’re famous people will worship you, like your some god. You think everyone puts you up on a pedestal and thinks of you highly.”

He looked at me like I was crazy. “That was rude. You clearly don’t know anything about me.”

“Ohh okay buddy.” I shot him a glare. I wanted out of this car now. “How much longer till we get back?”

“Why? Getting sick of me already?”

“Actually, yes.”

“Well then, good thing I took us the long way. So now we can spend even more time together.”

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