Fingers Crossed

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“Yeah? Are you okay? You have only been there for like an hour. Is everything okay?” she said into the phone.

“I’ll be fine” I muttered. “But can you come get me?”

“Of course, I’ll be there in like 15 minutes okay?”


“Hang tight sweetie! I’ll be there soon.” And she hung up.

I sat there for a while just thinking about what had happened. I felt my heart shattered into a million tiny pieces. I had so much hope coming here that she would want to take me back, and she would still love me. She would apologize for leaving me, and take me in again. But it was completely opposite. I was a mistake she made in her past, and she didn’t want it coming back. She told me she wasn’t my mother, and not to call her that. So now, I don’t even have a mother. Maybe my father will sober up, and apologize, but I’m not getting my hopes up this time.

Jenna pulled up in the rental car and rolled the window down. “Come on. We are gonna get ice cream, and then go back to the studio.” She smiled at me.

I got in the car and we drove to a small ice cream shop. Jenna parked and we got out and when I saw the menu, I was in heaven. Now for the hard part, choosing. A short old man walked up to the window.

“Hello there little ladies, what can I whip up for you today?” he smiled cheerfully.

I love old people, they’re adorable.

“Can I get a moose tracks double please!” Jenna asked.

“Sure thing sweetie. And for you dear?”

“Uhh, I’ll take one scoop of chocolate, and one of cookie dough please.” I gave him a weak smile.

“Of course.” He left for a few minutes and came back with two cones. “Here’s one for you” he handed Jenna hers “And one for you!” he gave me mine.

Me and Jenna pulled out our money. “You two seem like nice young ladies, I’m going to charge you half price.” He smiled.

“Oh you don’t have to do that.” I said.

“It’s alright dear, I’ve been running this business for 53 years now, and I can afford to lose a few bucks here and there.”

“If you insist” Jenna offered.

Our total together was less than 5 dollars. We handed him the money.

“Have a blessed day” he waved to us as we walked away.

“You too!! Thanks again!” I shouted over my shoulder. We got back in the car and Jenna turned on the A/C instantly so our ice creams wouldn’t melt.

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