Meeting the Stranger Again

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Okay, so I realized how stupid the original name I had for the band I am hoping the new name is better! :)

We pushed through the throngs of people while Jenna’s hand was death gripping my wrist almost cutting off my circulation. We got to a small clearing and it was right where we needed to be. We weren’t anywhere close to the floor, in fact we were about 3 floors up. We sat to the side of the stage, but we could see it well enough. Right now the opening bands were playing. I slowly swayed to the music and Jenna was getting impatient waiting for the band to come out already.

After about a half hour of this band, they thanked the crowd for being fans, and walked back stage. As the band came on stage I sat down getting bored. I mean, some of their songs were catchy, but I just liked bands that I knew were good-hearted people, and this was just another typical boyband who knew they were attractive, and thought all the girls everywhere were obsessed with them. Well, not everyone.

Jenna was screaming the lyrics and jumping up and down. A few drunk guys in front of us turned around and tried to hit on Jenna and me, but I just blew it off.

As the concert came to an end, they played their last song, and once again thanked the fans for supporting them and left.

“Are you excited? Oh my gosh!! We are going to meet them. I am actually going to meet the band I have been in love with for so long. I think I might hyperventilate, this is not okay. I can’t pass out, not now. I have to prove to them that I am their number one fan I need to be calm whe—“

“Jenna!!” I shook her shoulders. “Calm down, they are just four guys that you will meet, get a picture with, and then leave, it’s not like we are ever going to see them again.”

“Hey, it might not happen for you, but don’t go around crushing other peoples hopes and dreams.”

“Whatever let’s just get this over with.”

“You better be all happy when we get up there. This is a privilege, you should be thankful.”

“Mhm, okay.”

We walked down one level at a time showing the gatekeepers our passes, and they let us through. When we got to the bottom there was only 10 other girls waiting.

Huh? This is weird, these backstage passes must have cost a fortune. No wonder there’s only 12 of us. I thought to myself.

Jenna pulled me into line and we waited for 40ish minutes. Then the band walked out.

“Hey guys, so we made these tickets expensive so there would be fewer people, so we could spend more time with each of you. So we are going to give the group as a whole a tour of backstage and then we are going to hang in the dressing room for a while, but we are only taking 2 people at a time.”

That voice sounded so familiar. I couldn’t remember where I heard it though. I tried to see through the girls that were now forming a circle around the band. I gave up and went back to scrolling through twitter on my phone.

“Katrina c’mon!!” Jenna grabbed my arm and pulled me along with the rest of the group. Jenna pushed through some of the girls so she could see, though I was still stuck behind her so I didn’t bother to look. I wasn’t even paying attention to this backstage tour. In all honesty I wanted to go back to the hotel, shower, crawl into bed, and find a good movie to watch with Jenna.

“Okay guys, that’s the end of the tour, so we are going to be in the dressing room and we will take 2 people at a time.”

They walked into their dressing room and I sat down on the floor. I figured we would be going last so Jenna could try and spend the most time with them. She sat down next to me and we were playing on our phones for a while. It had been at least an hour and a half and there was a group in right now, then one more group to go before us. I was getting bored.

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