Downing It Like My Life Depended On It

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“So I heard you’re going to come with us on tour!” Max said.

“I said I would think about it.”

“Right…I doubt your parents would let you anyways” his face fell.

“Yeah…that’s the problem.” I laughed.



We were all watching the sun set, and the sky was full of colors. I watched the big orange ball sink in the water until I saw the last sliver disappear. Then I heard a match strike.

I looked over and saw that Jackson and Aiden were building a fire. It was starting to get colder so we all moved towards the fire.

“Here.” Max said hanging his lightweight jacket on my shoulders.

“Um…thanks. But just cause I’m using your jacket, don’t get any ideas.” I smirked at him.

“Okay, okay.” He put his hands up in surrender.

The rest of the night went pretty well. We all just told stories and had fun, we made s’mores, and stayed pretty warm near the fire. The guys brought some drinks and I figured one of us had to stay sober, or we couldn’t get back. They were all really drunk and it was entertaining just watching them. Although Max kept flirting with me, I just watched everyone else.

“Do you want another sprite?” Jenna asked.

“Yeah sure” I handed her my empty can. She went over to the cooler and came back a few minutes later.

“Here” she giggled at me.

“What is wrong with you?” I laughed.

I took a sip of my drink and I could instantly tell Jenna spiked it. It was really bitter. She must have added a lot. Although 20 minutes later after the little gulp of alcohol had hit me, I didn’t care how it tasted. I was downing it like my life depended on it. I was laughing at everything and I couldn’t really walk that straight. I kept stumbling.

“Guys…I want more” I giggled.

“Then go get some.” Seth slurred.


A few minutes later Max poked me. “Are you gonna get more…you haven’t moved yet?” he laughed.

“Oh?” I was confused. “You just didn’t see me…I was lightning speed.”

“Right…c’mon” He pulled my arm pulling me up.

He pulled me over to the cooler and dropped me in the sand.

“Hey that wasn’t nice” I pouted.


“You dropped me.”

“Whoops” he laughed falling down next to me.

“Here ya goooo” he handed me my drink.

“Thank you, kind sir” I tipped my imaginary hat to him.

I stood up and set my drink on the cooler, then I ran into the cold water.

“Wheeeee” I laughed falling over. “It’s so cold…brrrr”

“YOU’RE CRAZY” Max yelled from the shore.

“C’mon! It’s fun” I said kicking water in his direction.

He came in to meet me waist deep. He grabbed my hand and I didn’t pull away.

“You look really pretty in the moonlight”

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