What Was That?!!

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Sorry I haven't updated in two weeks, last week I was in Florida for spring break, and the week before I was really sick. This chapter is a little longer, I hope it makes up for it. Enjoy :)

"Hey! How was lunch?" Jenna asked me.

"It was awesome! We got to catch up on a ton of stuff. I mean, there is still a ton more, but it was really nice to see him again."

"Him? Who did you go out to lunch with?" I heard a male voice behind me. I spun around and rammed right into Max's chest. I looked up to him rubbing my nose. "Sorry." He muttered.

"It's okay. And Brett!" I chirped.

"Who is this Brett?"

"He is part of the crew, he helps set up for the shows every week, oh and he was also my childhood best friend! I haven't seen him since I left."


"Yeah...don't worry Max, no competition there. I mean he is hot and all, but not my type!" I said jokingly.

"What exactly is your type?"

"I guess you'll just have to find out."

"That's not fair!" he pouted.

"Yeah, well life's not fair...now don't you have a show to get ready for?"

"Yeah, I had a half hour to spare, so I was looking for you, but you were busy with Brent."

"It's Brett." I huffed "And yeah, I was. We were catching up. Do you have a problem with him? Cause you better tell me now. I will be hanging out with him a lot."

"Why? You don't like hanging out with me and the guys, and Jenna?"

"I love hanging out with you guys, I just haven't seen him in years, and sorry for holding onto the only good thing I had when I was growing up, now that my own mother doesn't even want me."


"It's fine. You should go get ready."

"Yeah." He said trying to hug me before he left, but I turned around too fast and walked away to Jenna.

"What was all that about?" Jenna asked.

"Nothing. He was mad because I hung out with Brett."


"I don't know, probably jealous or something, and if he is always going to be this possessive then I don't think I want to ever date him."

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