Meeting Willow

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Today was the day. Today I was meeting my mother. I haven’t seen her in 7 years. I woke up this morning very excited. I was also pretty groggy from the last few nights. The guys have been doing interviews, rehearsals, and concerts for the last week. It has been pretty hectic. I stretched out and got up. I took a quick shower and then dried myself off. I picked out a white knee length flowy skirt, with a floral top. It was simple, and comfortable. I was nervous enough today, I didn’t want to have to dress up.

Max and Jenna were going to drop me off on their way to a rehearsal. I slipped on my flip flops and grabbed my bag and we were off. My nerves were getting the best of me already.  Max rented a small black car. I don’t know cars very well, but it was pretty. It was all tinted, it looked kinda creepy. Anyways, I got in the backseat with Jenna. She grabbed my hand.

“Are you nervous?”


When I get nervous I get those cramps that are so bad that it’s better to just not move. I don’t know why I get them I just do. It’s annoying. Jenna knew I didn’t really want to talk, so the entire ride there was silent. When Max pulled onto her street I froze. Then we pulled up in front of her house. It was a really nice house. It was all concrete, but painted tan. It looked like there were 2 stories, at least that I could see. The yard was really nice. Green grass, with little flower beds scattered everywhere. It looked welcoming. I looked at Jenna and then to Max. They both looked concerned. I gave them a small smile.

“How long do you think rehearsal will be?” I asked.

“Maybe 2 hours? 3 at the most.” Max responded.

“But if you need to be picked up call me!! I will come and get you. Okay?” Jenna said.

“Ok” I breathed opening the door.

“I love you honey, it’ll be okay! I promise.” She smiled.

I stepped out of the car and onto the sidewalk path that led to the front door. I walked up to the big wooden door and took a deep breath. I knocked 3 times and waited for a minute until the door opened. When Max saw the door open he drove away.

I looked down to see a little boy, maybe 5 years old. She had other kids?

“Ryder? Who’s at the door sweetie?” It was her voice. I knew that voice. I missed it. She came into view with an apron on and a towel drying her hands.

“I don’t know, mommy.” He said.

“Hi.” She said coming to the door. “Ryder can you go pick up the play room please?” she smiled at him. He nodded his head and ran off. “I’m sorry, we aren’t looking to buy anything.”

“I’m not selling anything.” I said quickly. “Um…are you…are you Willow?”

“Yes, how do you know my name?” she looked nervous.

I wanted to say ‘Hi mom. It’s me, Katrina, your daughter.’ But I couldn’t find the words. My voice got caught in my throat.

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