Surprise, Surprise

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The boys showed us around the entire studio first, and then they took us to where they would be recording and practicing. Max kept making stupid faces at me while they were singing, and when a song he really liked came on he would completely tune everything out and concentrate on doing it perfectly.

“Great job boys! That’s it for today, go get some rest, we will start rehearsals tomorrow. We are on our way to Dallas!!” Will their manager said.

The boys jumped out of the studio doors and came over to me and Jenna. We all got back onto the bus and hung out in the ‘living room’ for the rest of that day telling more stories, and watching movies. We stayed up until probably 2 am. I fell asleep watching Neighbors. Zac Efron and Dave Franco appeared in my dreams, and I was pretty happy.

I was very happy in fact until someone kept poking me and saying my name trying to wake me up. They ruined my Zac/Dave dream! This just won’t slide.

“Katrinaaaa” Max’s voice rang through my ears.

“What do you want?” I growled. Okay, that came out a little harsher than planned, but hey, no one disturbs me and my Zac Efron and Dave Franco dreams.

“Damn, what crawled up your butt this morning?”

“I was having an amazing dream and you ruined it.”

“Oh…it was about me wasn’t it? I mean those dreams can turn into reality, all you had to do was as—“

I sat up immediately and slapped a hand over his mouth. “Don’t finish that sentence.”

He licked my hand in response but I didn’t pull it away. “I don’t have a problem with people licking my hands.” I smirked.

Then he tried to do it again in a sexy, and seductive way, but he just looked constipated and stupider.

I took my hand away to clutch my stomach from how much it hurt from laughing so hard.

“C’mon princess we gotta get ready.”

My laughter died down and I sat up. I got off of the ground which I fell asleep on last night and went to one of the few bathrooms. I found Jenna in there already dressed and doing her makeup. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Then I went to my suitcase and picked out a pair of high-waisted white cutoff jean shorts and my 3-quarter length’s Aztec crop top. I went back to the bathroom and changed. I put on a little makeup, but not too much. I quickly fishtailed my hair to the side and slid on my hot pink flip flops.

Me and Jenna were the last to walk outside and when we did the guys were waiting and they turned around and all whistled.

“We aren’t dogs.” I said.

“Yeah…don’t whistle at us” Jenna said.

“I like the look princess, it fits you.” Max smirked looking at the band of skin I was showing around my stomach from my crop top.

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