Part 23

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You woke up the next morning to find Paul talking quietly on the phone, looking completely drained. You watched him for a few minutes as the memories from the day flooded back in. Paul showing up out of the blue to Jake being arrested. The anxiety was already building up at the thought of saying goodbye. Paul was right, your mental health needed help and getting away from these fuckers. The question was how?

"Good morning, Y/N, How are you feeling?" Paul asked, pulling you from your thoughts

You looked up at him feeling your throat go dry at the sight of the man. Paul was leaning against the dresser in just his regular black jeans, his hair still wet from an apparent shower. He looked down at you tilting his head to the side, his infectious grin growing wider. You shook your head to pull your head out of the gutter.

"Morning, Who was that on the phone?" You replied.

"Well, that was my manager letting me know that we can fly out tonight, that is if you are ready to say goodbye to your mom today." He said, sitting down on the bed.

"What do you think we should do?" You asked.

Paul looked at you confused and shook his head at the question. You held your breath as you watched him for a moment waiting to see how he would respond. The last thing you wanted was another fight started over your fucked up family. Paul had always said he wanted to help and now for once in six months you were giving him the chance. He reached over and grabbed your hand and pulled it to his mouth, kissing it softly before looking you square in the eye.

"Sweetheart as much as I love you and want to protect you from those people, this isn't a decision I can make. The plan will be ready whenever you are, you just gotta let me know okay?" He told you, before heading to his suitcase.

"Are you at least going to go with me to tell her?" You asked.

"Don't be silly of course I will" He said, throwing a black tank top on.

"Okay well just give me 30 minutes to clean up." You said, heading toward the bathroom.

Paul grabbed you as you walked past him and pulled you close. You looked up at him confused for a moment as he grabbed your face with both of his hands staring at you, the fear he had flashing across his face. You tried to pull away as he shook his head and kissed you softly first. He pulled away slightly looking at you for a moment before you leaned back kissing him harder. Paul groaned into the kiss, giving you an opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth and explore. The kiss went from sweet and innocent to wet and full of need.

Paul moved his hands from your face to your ass lifting you up. You instinctively wrapped legs around his waist and as he walked the two of you back toward the bed with no struggle. Paul detached his mouth from your nipping softly at your lips before moving to your neck, biting and kissing any exposed skin. You moved your hands into his hair slightly gasping at the feeling, before moving your lips to his neck, softly licking before sinking your teeth into it, earning another loud moan from the man. He laid you down on the bed pulling away for a moment to take off his t-shirt.

"What happened to us going ?" You whispered

"I think you're gonna need a little more time to get ready." He replied before smashing his lips against yours.


Two Hours Later

The two of you were walking hand in hand into the hospital for the first time in two days a sense of calm was there between the two of you. You looked up at Paul seeing the small hickey you had left on his neck that couldn't be hidden behind his shirt collar, your face heating up as you thought about how mind-blowing the morning had been. Paul looked down at you with a huge grin, as he lifted his sunglasses off of his face and hooked them to the front of his shirt. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and leaned his mouth down to your ear. Instantly sending a chill up your back.

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