Part 10

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"Oh my god," You gasped, walking into the studio.

Mesmerized by the small photography studio Paul had built for you. Seeing everything you had mentioned to him at the camera store, Plus, Equipment Killian had probably told him you would need. Your mind running through the last few days, the phone calls, Paul's meetings, and the accusations that he was cheating on you.

A lump in your throat grew as you turned around, seeing Paul looking at you with a small grin dancing across his face, as he leaned against a counter. You stood a few feet apart from the other one. Tears creeping slowly out of your eyes.

"You did all of this for me?" You asked.

"No, I did it for my other girlfriend. Do you think she will like it?" Paul smirked as he walked toward you."Ass!" You yelled, smacking his shoulders.

"I'll take that as a thank you than Y/N" Paul laughed.

Paul grabbed your waist and leaned his forehead against yours, making you smile at the simple contact. The room brings another overwhelming peace that Paul had assisted in creating for you. You pulled away from him, taking another observation of everything.

"It's amazing here, Paul, how did you remember all of this?" You asked, stunned.

"Well I do have a pretty good memory, and Killian's helps with the equipment giving me advice or shopping with me. The darkroom and everything that took a lot of assistance, let me tell you" He told you as he shook his head.

You stood on your tip-toes and kissed Paul's cheek watching as you pulled away his head tilt to the side with his face graced with his knee-weakening smile. His silent sign Paul was long from done with you. He grabbed your hand, leading you into another part of the studio. Halting you as he came to another shut door.

"There's more to this?" You asked, confused.

"Not for your side, but I figured we could have some dessert and watch a movie, plus this is one of the few rooms I haven't made love to you in, and you still own me that special photo shoot." Paul winked.

Your face immediately heated up with embarrassment but finding Paul's bluntness about what he wanted from you and the night that stirred something inside you. He opened the door revealing another room he had set up while you had been out and pissed off at him.

The room lined with candles, desserts, and wine layered on a small table. As Paul led you further into the place, you noticed the canvas lining the wall. Paul suddenly came to a halt, causing you to stumble into him. In front of the pair of you was a bed with a small tv.

"You never ceased to amaze me, sir" you smiled, shaking your head.

Paul picked you up, tossing you on the bed before laying on the other side of you, leaning slightly on his elbow. Shaking your head as he laughed at your startled reaction. Instantly wiping away his grin as you hit him with a pillow.

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