Part 30

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Two days later

Paul's POV

Paul stood at the patio door, looking at the studio as he drank his third cup of coffee. He refused to step back in there since Eric had woken him up out of his drunken stupor. That night wasn't Paul's finest moment.

The sound of the phone ringing pulled him from his thoughts. Paul sighed as he sat his cup on the table, listening to the multiple rings before the answering machine picked up and Gene's voice echoed.

"Paul, pick up if you're there! I'm going to come by with some uh company for you and the guys, so be ready. You gotta get out of this slump, man, and move on. See you in a bit," Gene said"I don't need company. I need time to heal a broken heart, but then again, what does that asshole know about that!" Paul yelled.

He grabbed the phone and punched in Gene's number, hoping to stop him from showing up with any unwanted company. Paul held the device against his face as he drummed his fingers on the counter. He finally heard Shannon's voice come across the line.

"Shannon, is Gene still at the house, or has he left yet? Oh, he did well, damn thank you, "Paul said, sighed hanging up.

Paul put their head in his hands, trying to calm; he didn't understand why the bassist couldn't just accept he wanted to be alone. It was bad enough that their manager had already sent two people to stay with him and make sure Paul didn't do anything stupid again.

"Woah, why are you yelling at 9 am?" Eric asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Just Gene being well, Gene," Paul said, turning around to face the drummer.

Eric walked over and grabbed the singer's chin, moving his face back and forth. The drummer grabbed Paul's arm and pulled him toward the bathroom. Paul leaned against the wall as he watched the drummer dig through the medicine cabinet, finally finding what he was needing.

"Alright here, shave caveman," Eric said, handing the razor to him.

"I'm not shaving. Y/N loved my beard," Paul said, looking at his reflection.

"Don't make me pin you down and shave you myself!" Eric yelled.

"Oh yeah? You and what army?" Paul asked.

"Fine... TOMMY, I NEED YOUR HELP," Eric yelled.

"shh Fuck okay, okay, I'll shave and shower," Paul told him.

"Good boy, now I'll get Tommy up, and we can clean this pigsty up. No more drinky drinky for you, Mr. Psycho," Eric said with a laugh.

"Alright, I can't do anything with you in the room, so get out," Paul said, pushing the drummer toward the door.

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