Part 13

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Paul watched as the plane left the runway, sighing; he walked back to the car to pick up his son. In the two months since he had returned to California with you, the two of you had not spent a moment apart. He had a heavy feeling you would have a hard time coming back to him for good.

He made his way to his ex-girlfriend's house, bracing himself for what always happened, some type of fight over where he or you lacked regarding Evan, something he was in no mood to deal with this morning. Paul took several deep breaths as he pulled up to the drive. As he hit the bottom step of the walkway, the door swung open, with Evan running full force to his father.

"Daddy's here!!" He screamed as Paul scooped him up.

Paul kissed the little boy's head and spun him around before walking up the steps to Pam's house, who seemed annoyed with the sight of the guitarist.

"I know I'm early, but I was already out dropping Y/N at the airport." Paul shrugged.

He watched as Pam raised an eyebrow to his response and again took a deep breath waiting for her snotty comment. Instead, she walked over and grabbed their son's bag and handed it to Paul.

"I actually have a meeting to go to, so it works out great you being here early. Is everything okay with Y/N?" Pam asked as she opened the door.

"She just had some family matters to take care of. She will be back in a few days. Evan? tell your mom bye." Paul said

Evan waved and blew kisses to his mom before wrapping his arms back around his dad's neck. Paul put the toddler into the car seat and headed back out toward the freeway. Glancing momentarily in the rearview mirror and smiling at his son singing to the radio.

"Daddy, where's Y/N?" Evan asked from the backseat.

Paul felt his heart sink in his chest at the question. Evan loved you just as much as Paul did. The unknown of you coming home to them was a gnawing feeling already, and you had been gone for an hour.

"Y/N had to go on a trip. What do you want to do today, bud?" Paul asked, hoping that would change the focus.

"She went bye-bye like you do?" Evan continued.

"How about we go to the park?" Paul asked.

Evan yelled in excitement, causing Paul to cringe and laugh at the boy's reaction.

The two spent the next several hours at the park until exhaustion took over the two-year-old. Paul checked his cell phone for any miss calls or voicemails before heading back to his house, worrying setting in again as nothing had come through.


You walked into the room and slammed the door shut, causing him to jump.

"What are you doing here, Jake?" You snapped

You looked over his shoulder to your mother lying in bed, asleep with tubes and machines attached everywhere. The sight made your stomach turn more, and the presence of your brother fueled the anger.

"That's how you greet your brother?" He asked as he walked over to you

The smell of stale alcohol poured off of him as he attempted to pull you in for a hug. You pushed him away and shook your head as you continued your way to your mom's bedside before turning back in Jake's direction.

"You haven't learned anything from this, have you, Jake? You showed up drunk to see our mother, who is in the hospital because of you." You snapped

"Oh, and you came to play the superhero?" Jake hissed

"I came for one purpose only, to make sure she is protected from you, now get the fuck out of here, Jake." You replied sternly and pointed toward the door.

Jake attempted to speak again before sulking out of the door and slamming it, causing you to jump as you glared back at him.

"Bastard" you mumbled as you took his seat next to your mom.

The information Paul's team had given you about her condition still could never be prepared for what she looked like now in person. You choked back a sob as you looked from her face seeing the bruising, her left leg, and arm being in a full cast. The whole situation brought a rush of nausea as a horrible memory hit. Carefully placing a soft kiss on her forehead as the tears started streaming down your face.

"I'm so sorry, momma, I should've been here" you cried.


Later that evening

You had finally made it to the hotel to check-in after spending more than five hours with your mom, mainly watching her sleep. You scheduled an appointment the following morning to meet with the doctor and take a tour of the rehabilitation center your mom would be moved to by the end of the week.

"what the fuck have I gotten myself into !" You yelled as you threw the room key on the end table.

You had one week to make sure everything was finalized before you were back with Paul and little Evan in California. You began to unpack your suitcase and put the clothes in the drawer when a small envelope fell to the floor.

"What did he do now?" You mumbled, slowly opening the envelope.

A small chuckle left you as you pulled out three photographs, two of them were of Evan and Paul you had taken at the park, and the third of you asleep on Paul's shoulder, the night he had shown you the darkroom. A small note scrawled across the back of it.

"More memories to be made, I love you, -P."

You finished unpacking, still smiling at the gesture. The man never failed to surprise you. Grabbing the hotel phone and redialing Paul's house number after multiple rings, the answering machine picked up, causing you to sigh.

"Hey guys, it's me again, just letting you know I made it to the hotel, I'm in for the night, so call me on either phone. Love you both." You said before hanging up

Checking the clock on the wall, and seeing it was almost Evans' bedtime so it would be a while before Paul would be able to call you back if he even would tonight.

You decided to order food before taking a shower. Letting the hot water wash away all the dirt from the trip as you thought everything over. Seeing Jake at the hospital was a big shocker and made the whole situation even more maddening. If it weren't for his constant fuck ups you'd still be in California with Paul and little Evan.

You spent the rest of the night attempting to do anything possible to relax while you waited to call your boyfriend and let him know everything that had happened, only to slowly feel the exhaustion from the trip take over and pull you into a fitful sleep.

Not hearing your cell phone ringing multiple times on the desk beside the bed.

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