Part 25

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Paul slammed the door shut of the hotel room as the tears started to form in his eyes again. He sank down onto the bed and put his head into his hands trying to choke back a sob. The heartbreak of this relationship falling apart was more devastating than when he split with Pam and the custody battle had started, knowing he had betrayed Evan.

Paul jumped off the bed and headed over to his suitcase throwing his clothes into it. He scanned the room seeing your bag already packed up, again wondering if you were going to be back in time to go to the airport. Paul headed toward the bathroom, shaking his head as he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His eyes were red from crying and his face had exhaustion written across it, on top of the small beard-growing that you had begged him not to shave.

"Fuck This" Paul said.

He threw the remainder of the stuff in his carry on bag before walking over to the desk by the door. Paul grabbed a piece of stationary and pen scribbling a quick note to you. He read it one more time before grabbing the phone and dialing the number for a taxi. Paul wanted to make sure you had the rental car for a few more days while you decide what you were going to do. He put the key next to the note on the desk before grabbing his bags and walking out the door.

Paul pulled his sunglasses on as he walked toward the front desk, as he pulled his credit card out of his pocket. The clerk smiled and grabbed the card from him quickly processing the payment.

"Um my girlfriend will be back later to get her stuff, I just have to get back to the airport. Can you let her know that

the car key is also still in our room?" He asked, smiling sadly.

"Of course Mr. Stanley, we hope you enjoyed your stay." The clerk replied as she handed the card back to him.

"Sure" He replied, as he put the card back in his wallet, and walked out to the door.

Paul found the taxi already waiting for him in front of the entrance as he walked through the sliding doors. He threw his bags into the back of the cab before he climbed in. Paul glanced one more time at the hotel before telling the driver where to go, as he sunk into the backseat.

The taxi pulled up on the runway within 15 minutes where the band plane was again waiting for the two of you to go back home. Paul pulled out his cell phone checking to see if there happened to be any missed calls from you. He sighed at the screen before quickly punching in a phone number and stepping away from the plan as he waited for the phone to be answered.

"Hey it's Paul, listen Y/N isn't going to be able to fly out as soon as me, can you make sure there's a ticket waiting for her? Thanks, I appreciate it." Paul said, hanging up the phone.

Paul looked down at the phone again debating if he should check in with you, try in some way to convenience you to fly home with him. He hit the speed dial number set for you and again waited for you to pick it up. The phone quickly went to voicemail.

"Y/N, It's Paul, I wanted to let you know I'm flying out in about five minutes. There's a ticket waiting for you if you come to your senses and decide to come back home where you belong, if not I understand and I wish you the best" He said, trying to choke back tears.

Paul wiped away the stray tear that had fallen from his eye before walking up the stairs to the plane. He threw his bag into an empty seat and waited for the cabin door to be closed. Paul leaned his head against the window watching as the plane took off, California wasn't going to feel the same without you with him.


An hour later

You raced into the hotel heading to the elevator as you heard a voice from the front desk calling your name. You turned around to see one of the desk clerks heading toward you holding a room key out for you.

"Mr. Stanley already left for the airport but wanted to make sure you got all of your belongings out of the room and asked me to let you know the rental car key was still in the room for you." The young woman told you.

"He already left?" You asked confused, as you took the key

"Yes Ma'am, said he needed to get back to California for something," she replied.

"Thank you," you said, heading toward the elevators.

You punched the button on your floor trying to keep yourself from breaking down before you got on. Paul had really left without giving you a chance to tell him what had happened at the hospital, that you had picked him. As soon as the doors opened to the top floor you ran out of the elevator and unlocked the door to the room you two shared.

"I can't believe he did this," You said, as you looked around the empty room.

You glanced over to the desk as a small piece of paper lying underneath the car key caught your eye. You snatched the note off the table and sat down on the chair bracing yourself as you read the note from Paul.

'Y/N, I meant it when I told you that I loved you, and I would have gone to hell and back to keep you safe. I wish you could see what I see in you and that you deserve so much more. Whatever your decision is, I hope you find happiness in it. Love Paul'

You covered your mouth with your hand trying to silence the sobs as you read the note again. The tears splattering against the paper smearing the ink, as you quickly tried to wipe them away. He was the perfect man and you had let it slip through the cracks.

You got up from the chair and moved to the bed, grabbing the pillow that Paul had slept on. You pulled it close to your face smelling his cologne on it. The morning had gone from being perfect to destroyed in less than three hours.

"Why couldn't he have just waited another hour? We could have been home together!!!" You sobbed into the pillow.

You held the pillow next to you crying yourself softly to sleep, wondering if there was any chance that you could save your relationship with the only person that seemed to truly loved you. 

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