Part 19

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"The only bad decision right here is the tramp standing next to you, bro," Jake fired back.

"Paul, just let it go. He's not worth you going to jail." You said, trying to move the cart forward.

Paul put his hand against the cart, keeping you from going anywhere as he continued to stare at your brother. You watched as he kept clenching his fist, hoping that Paul wouldn't punch your brother in front of everyone in the store. It was one less problem that you needed while you were in town.

"I think the drugs have you a little mixed up buddy, the only mistake in this section is you," Paul told him.

"Why are you here anyway, Y/N, come to make yourself feel better for what you did to mom? She doesn't need you and this douchebag flaunting around. You abandoned her." Jake said as he tried to move closer to you.

Paul tried to keep his temper in check as he moved in front of you, blocking Jake from getting any closer. You were glad Paul had been with you as you worried about another interaction with your brother. Though the anxiety was building in your chest, he would never have to deal with the ongoing drama if he would have just let you leave after the first fight in California. Paul was now putting himself in jeopardy and his time with Evan on the line for your brother's stupidity.

"Hey, this is between you and me Since I AM the one here cleaning up your mess now!!!" Paul told him.

"Man Y/N, I guess what the guys around here say is true. You gotta be good to brainwash this rich bastard." Jake said with a smile.

The look on your boyfriend's face gave you the clear sign the fuse had been lit, the cool and calm look was the only thing about Paul that terrified you. You grabbed Paul's arm and pushed him forward, blocking as best as you could from looking back at your brother.

"You go to the front of the store and check out. We will just go back to the house." You told him

"Be a good bitch and do what you're told," Jake muttered.

Paul gave one final look at Jake before you pushed the basket toward him. He sighed before ducking down and placed a kiss on your forehead. As soon as Paul was out of sight, you turned back around to your brother, trying to keep your anger down.

"When are you going to get it through your thick fucking skull, Jake? YOU are the problem and need to get help before you destroy her and everyone else in your path. You would think your time in jail would have taught you something. Don't let me catch you back at the hospital, or you will be sorry." You told him before walking off

You took a deep breath as you headed toward the front of the store looking for Paul. Hoping he was already checked out so the two of you could get the hell out of the store. The whole day was becoming a nightmare, and you knew a fight was looming between Paul and you. After a few minutes of scanning the lines, you found him standing at the front of the store. He still had his calm expression across his face, making you even more anxious.

"Let's get the hell out of here." You told him.

Paul opened the door and waved you out of the door, following behind you with the three sacks filled with what your mother had asked for. You jumped into the front seat, feeling the anger boiling over, from Paul's fake happy attitude toward your mom and aunt, then the almost knockout fights.

Paul slammed the driver's side door, causing you to jump, the same calm look plastered across his face. He leaned over the armrest to kiss you, only to be stopped when you pushed him back. Paul threw his sunglasses on the dash, taking a deep breath, trying not to flip out.

"What's the problem?" He asked, aggravated.

"I could ask you the same thing! You've walked around all day with this overly fake bubbly attitude with those people!!! Why? To make me feel better?" You snapped.

"What did you want me to do, huh? Go in there a be a dick to everyone or be a fucking adult? You sat right there with them disrespecting our relationship, making decisions without talking to me!" Paul shouted.

"What the fuck does that mean?" You asked.

"You can't be that dumb, Y/N! You know what this conversation is over." Paul said, a matter of fact.

"Okay, Paul." You said as you opened up the car door.

Paul snapped his head over in your direction, watching as you took off walking down the street, wiping your face. He slammed his hands on the steering wheel as he leaned his head back into the headrest.

"Fuck," He mumbled.

Paul grabbed his glasses off of the dashboard before quickly leaving the parking lot. He had two guesses on where you could be.


You wiped the tears from your eyes as you headed down the sidewalk. You had expected the blow up to be about the family, not over something you had said jokingly to shut your mother up. Paul had never sunk that low and taken a stab at your intelligence no matter what the fight was.

You walked for a few more blocks until you decided to stop at the park. The first place you had taken Paul after the night you had met him, where you had told Paul finally that you loved him, and that you made the commitment to move 3,000 miles away.

"Here's to memory lane," You said to yourself as you took a seat on the bench.

You felt your throat tighten as your brain continued to spin out of control with memories of not just the good times with Paul but with your dad. The number one game you were taught not to play in the many years you had been in therapy hit you hard.

"What if dad was here? Where would we all be?" You asked out loud as you looked toward the sky.

You jumped at the sound of footsteps approaching, trying to wipe off all the evidence that you had been crying away.

"I know where you would be," A voice called from behind you.

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